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About Ronaldchan0831

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  1. 350k from ronald1991
  2. I havnt played this game for couples of months and i return now :D I want to join a guild if possible i have been playing more than 1500 hours so i think im a experienced player =) I used to be a member of the rukittenme guild but i heard they are dismissed what a pity. Feel free in invite me if your guilds need me (ign: ronald1991) please contact me if you recognize me hehehehe
  3. https://prntscr.com/fgmjp1 s.o. 150k 24 hours pm me in game ronald1991 i can sell him immediately if the price is good
  4. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Guide for Summer Bosses! <t>what is the requirment to battle kagawa?<br/> for example like playing hours?</t>
  5. He needs at least the seen data of the legendary dogs. What Professor Birch in Littleroot Town say when he talks to him? you have spent a total of 126 hours in hoenn, 676 seen 575 caught you also have caught 124 pokemon native to the hoenn region and seen 134 he got all the legendary dogs pokedex (he caught celebi and mew)
  6. Same problem from my fds Ign horace123 He got all the dex from that 3 regions and got more than 300 evolved But he can't get any news from tv Ps: he only miss the legendary dogs Does it matter?
  7. https://prntscr.com/fbw7h2 start offer 300k insta 1m 48 hours auction ms =750k
  8. https://prntscr.com/faezd8 start offer 500k insta 1.5m i can edit the moveset and evs if you want ps: i will sell it once the price meet my expectation. 15 days ms =400k 30 days ms= 750k 60 days =1.5m
  9. Re: Legendary Dogs Guide [NEW: Dog spawn rate increased!] (Update: 14/05/17) <r><QUOTE author="Furtifk" post_id="386706" time="1494971105" user_id="264842"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> thank you so much sir :D</r>
  10. Re: Legendary Dogs Guide [Good news for those who failed to catch the dogs] (Update: 12/05/17) <r><QUOTE author="Somes" post_id="386651" time="1494963612" user_id="633"><s> </e></QUOTE>------------------------ <br/> <br/> thanks for that<br/> im the one who dc while catching the dogs hahahah<br/> im looking forward to the re-catching program hahah<br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Np :)<br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> If possible i would love to know do i need to battle with the gradients again or simply battle with nokia. <br/> and im waiting the re-catching programs everyday hahahaha. i cant wait to see my legendary dogs >.<<br/> anyway thanks again. You provide a very useful information for me :D</r>
  11. Re: Legendary Dogs Guide [Good news for those who failed to catch the dogs] (Update: 12/05/17) <r><QUOTE author="Somes" post_id="384945" time="1494558094" user_id="633"><s> </e></QUOTE>------------------------ <br/> <br/> thanks for that<br/> im the one who dc while catching the dogs hahahah<br/> im looking forward to the re-catching program hahah</r>
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