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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. I need rock climb to pass through route 207, there should be a tutor who teaches rock climb there. However, I only see 1 npc in blue clothes there and I spoke to him. But he didn't teach me. What can I do? I am stuck in route 207 now
  2. I disconnected when i was fighting Oswald in Olvine city. But then he disappears, wt should I do?
  3. My id is Alexltw. I play in both silver and gold server. However, I can only login gold server now, when I try to login silver server, it says invalid username or password...
  4. Re: Clear Smog for Torkoal <t>SO no clear smog in this game?</t>
  5. I have checked that Torkoal has Clear Smog as egg move, but when I go to daycare centre, I can't find clear smog in the egg move.
  6. where can I find shell bell?
  7. In a PVP, I used 6 times calm mind and 6 times cosmic power on my Clefable. That means my Clefable had +6 spatk, +6 def +6 spdef. The spatk of my Clefable should be 223 x 4 =892. And I used stored power which should be with 380 power. But the enemy only lost about 1/8 hp. I think it was a bug, even my enemy agreed.
  8. It is really sad that all 3 abilities of clefable are uncoded. And many of its moves are uncoded too.
  9. Would be really nice if you can provide some proof and same goes to every other bug report, so it would be easy for us. here, the proof :Angel: when i use confuse ray, it has priority but when i use baton pass, it has no priority Prankster increases the priority of status moves by +1. And baton pass is not a status move, that's why.
  10. PRO Username: alexltw Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? I played PRO successfully every day until yesterday. What have you already tried to solve the problem? I have already re-try for many times and even re-open the clients for many times, but the same problem happens Description and Message Since yesterday, I clicked the "login" button, then the waiting queue started. But after the queue finished, I cannot login.
  11. Please fix the uncoded moves and ability before developing new region. It is more important for the quality of the game.
  12. I know, but I found some very good pokemons, but they are only good with those uncoded ability and moves. So it is useless even they are good
  13. or will they never be fixed? I need to know this to determine what pokemons I should use
  14. Really? Stop playing the game? I don't think so. I have no MS, I have no Exp Boost and in 1 hour my Rattata is level 83... I don't think this quest is hard to complete... I just another quest, yep, maybe a bit different from another one but a quest anyways. can u teach me how to lv up to lv83 in 1 hour? i wasted 5 hours and my rattata is still at lv49. Where do u train?
  15. When will uncoded moves be fixed? I need to know this because it affect me to choose which pokemons I should train and buy.
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