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Everything posted by Unlimitedblade

  1. Yeah,its an mmo,what did they expect?You need to work for them,they are legendaries for a reason.(Nice avatar btw,the anime is pretty good,but i like the president the most)
  2. Re: Disrespectful Players. Are you all this rude? <t>I never met with people like that here,but i cant really play anyway,because when im at home,the server is mostly offline,so cant say much.</t>
  3. You either wait or just beat it.I already told everyone that another pokemon game had the same problems,and it never changed,so its possible this version will be unstable too,they most likely cant do anything about it,some mayor problems.If you want to play here,you must prepare for the worst,even for some mayor rollbacks someday,if they cant fix the servers.
  4. Sub,dubs have no life in them.
  5. I really hope this game wil not end up like Pwo.Pwo had continuos stability issues even still today,and they had a terrible rollback.Pro is still pretty unstable,so i hope they have a lot of backup to avoid rollback.
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