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Everything posted by Scaydi

  1. @Morgannor Thats awesome, Persian used to be part of my team back in Pokemon Red, but I switched it for a Gen 2 Pokemon once I played Emerald, could be either Espeon, Jumpluff or Skarmory.
  2. Thank you for the support offer. I am so glad about the alliance, I hope it goes well too. :Smile:
  3. Well, there are cute clothes, cute jewellery, cute cupcakes, etc... So, why not a cute Staryu? Which is actually "alive" About the xat, I don't like chatrooms cause it seems pointless to me, at the end we all will see each other in-game, and if they have any personal issue we have the private message, and most importantly I know we are going to be a small guild, right now we are just 4, and I am sure other guilds are more attractive for most of players since the first day I thought about making Monadikos, yet I love small guilds, quality over quantity.
  4. @ChocolateMilky Thats a cute story. My favorite pokemon ever in life is Starmie: Story: I was playing Pokemon Red, the first one I played, and I was so into it, so happy after getting some great Safari Pokemon (One of my old team members Tauros) using the Super Rod in the sea for first time right south of Fuschia City, when I found Staryu, at first, I thought it was super cute, but after some hours i tried using a Water stone on it and *poof*! The most beautiful Pokemon I ever seen, with that huge gem in the center (Back then Starmie jewel was so big in display) and I totally fell in love of it. With the time I found out Starmie could use 4 of the best moves (to me) in Pokemon Psychic/Thunderbolt/Surf/IceBeam. I never seen Pokemon anime before playing Pokemon Red, so I didn't know it, but it was a faithful encounter for sure.
  5. Hee hee, thank you SuHu, I will try my best in making a good guild.
  6. Welcome ChocolateMilky!
  7. Awesome! Welcome to the guild Morgannor~
  8. Its not cartoon, but Anime, also, it is one of the best movies by Hayao Miyazaki, who made my second favorite movie too: Howl's moving castle.
  9. When I was very young I used to imagine a story each time I caught a Pokemon I really like(d) it. So I dreamed in being a good trainer. Time passed and my love for Starmie made me dream in being a Water Pokemon Gym Leader. After some time I noticed that my team had 3 Psychic-type Pokemon (Starmie, Espeon and Gardevoir) so I dreamed in being a Psychic Gym leader. Then I watched some movies, played some games more, and made me realize I would love to be a PokePrincess Now that I am 15 and Fairy-type came out, my imaginary dream is to become the PokePrincess of Fairy-types, and, like a fairy tale, I would have a second life, as Fairy-type gym leader, hiding my identity in behind a costume and mask.
  10. Sorry then for not knowing we couldn't discuss that, and instead of explaining to me, you just go saying: "There is no NEED for breeding there are just people wanting it, and if we don't want it ingame it won't be there."
  11. Wow, that reply was actually very rude, this forum is supposed to be to discuss about things in the list...
  12. I know you all are talking about economy this and economy that, which I do not think it is THAT important, but that is my opinion. Anyway, I was wondering, how are we getting good IVs and Nature if breeding is never going to be an option? And please don't say it is not being implemented just cause of Economy.
  13. Movie: Ranger And The Temple Of The Sea (Manaphy movie) Game: HeartGold (The first one I played was Pokemon Red thanks to my uncle, but HeartGold is super awesome) Manga: Pokémon Adventures: Diamond and Pearl (The characters are awesome)
  14. Welcome to the Guild Valalon n.n Yesh, we will always be up for alliances with nice guilds. Thank you~ :Smile:
  15. Exactly what I mean, when Guild, no explanation needed.
  16. This seems spammy but, thanks O_O
  17. Thank, you, I hope some nice players apply once PRO is ready and out.
  18. Yeah, I see no difference, also, people recognize a Team by Guild in MMOs, if it gets called Team, then we will have to explain each time about what is it.
  19. ♪We are a guild for friendly, not swearing, and helping people, and those who love to use their Favorite Pokemon, even those considered weak. Just to have fun and show the world how Pokemon is not just about how powerful one can be, but how much you love to be yourself by showing it thru your beloved Pokemon♪ ♥How to be part of us: ☼ -You have to be nice at others. ☼ -Use only your favorite Pokemon by heart, not those you like for being "strong". ☼ -We love to help others, but you are free to help just if you want. ☼ -It does not matter if you are a super awesome trainer or new at Pokemon. ☼ -Apply below, by telling us your Age, in-game name and favorite Pokemon (if any). ►Remember it does not matter if you are a girl a boy, a 6 years old or a 90 years old, as long as you love Pokemon and play with your favs◄
  20. Eek I am not the best trainer, yet I love to battle using my favorite Pokemon, not the strongest ones like almost everyone else (saying their favorite are always some of the strongest ones), so, you might beat the cupcakes out of me, still I might give a bit of a nice battle. :Smile:
  21. Hewo, my name is Sophia, and I love Pokemon! My favorite Pokemon is Starmie, and favorite mono-type is Fairy (it used to be Water for years). Hope we all get along, and I wish this game to become one of the greatest ever, I will try to be part of it! :Grin:
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