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Everything posted by Darkumbreon

  1. Hi,i want buy xmas umbreon mount and havaian clothes blue and yellow.
  2. I am on now in verm.
  3. I Win?
  4. 800k (clothes+helmet+arms)
  5. Hi,i have stormtrooper full set for sell. (clothes+helmet+gg armas)
  6. Hi,i want buy pirate eye patch,hw diglet outfit 2,4,5,6,9 anda 11,
  7. Server silver Name: Darkumbreon I mistakenly deleted a halloween growlithe, I have no id but it's my ot and nature is adamant, I would like to recover as possible. Thanks.
  8. How much for pick axe,flash light,geen skill and mimikyu hat?
  9. Nature Timid pm me here or in game if u have for sell
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