If you are online now on game, talk with me. Maybe we can make a deal.
will be online tomorrow hope to see a better offer from u here :thanks:
Ok. If you see me online tomorrow, send me PM ingame.
i offer 950k + this tyranitar (full ev trained) https://prntscr.com/8q3v20 + this Haxorus (full ev trained) https://prntscr.com/8q3uv0 + adamant shiny horsea https://prntscr.com/8q3vi6 + shiny slowpoke https://prntscr.com/8q3vpe for shiny staryu.
Re: Eldra's Secret Hideout (Added two UT adamant snorlaxes)(Nearly perfect 31 speed timid zam)
<t>what B.O on vulpix and abra? What the instant price?</t>