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Everything posted by Namelesshero27

  1. Re: NH27 Items Shop - Update 3/10 Electrizer/Magmarizer <t>Bump.</t>
  2. False swipe is a normal move. Normal move doesn't work on ghost type.
  3. Ok, 200k is the best offer. 48h starts from limewire123 post (watch it for the time).
  4. BO: 300k by Chenjjjqqq. End 12 Oct 2016, 11:59 GMT+2 Insta: 700k Bid will start after the first good offer and will last 48 hours. When I say "BO" that means the poke will be sold, I will not refuse offer after the end. What you can offer: Wishlist in signature (better than money or other); Money; MS. No rare candy, no other items.
  5. Re: Nameless Hero 27 Cheap Shop - New Pokemon 3/10 - Egg Moves service 16k - Full Dex Service Kanto <t>Ok, pm me tomorrow.</t>
  6. The fact is that there is not a "number of encounters required"... it's just luck. I remember I had to grind days to find a Shellos. Shellos is Extr. Rare. I had to grind a couple of hours for a Druddigon. Druddigon is Extr. Rare. I find lot of Kanto's starters. And them are Extr. Rare. Just luck. HA even more luck. If you make all less rare.. first of all, I think market will fall.
  7. Re: NH27 Items Shop - Update 3/10 Electrizer/Magmarizer <t>Bump.</t>
  8. Re: Nameless Hero 27 Cheap Shop - New Pokemon 3/10 - Egg Moves service 16k - Full Dex Service Kanto <t>Bump.</t>
  9. I always asked myself what was this quest.. the guy asked me 100k, I gave him the money, and puff, I was inside excavation.
  10. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse [New Pokemon Added 09/28] <r><QUOTE author="Tro11z"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ok I will try.</r>
  11. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse [New Pokemon Added 09/28] <t>500k Ferrothorn?</t>
  12. Re: New Zone: Valley Of Steel <t>What prizes?</t>
  13. Well, if not the quest, at least higher level for the other, Birds, Dogs, etc.
  14. This is not a topic to ask to make them catchable :Grin: So, my suggestion is about Legendary battle. As the game is now, Legendary are just there waiting us to be killed. Some of them (Kanto birds) even before the E4. I know, it's like the original game.. but PRO is not "the original game", so why don't change that? It would be great to make every legendary we face more hard to reach and beat. What I mean with more hard to reach? I mean that we need to do some cool quest (or some requirement, that can be the same thing) that can involve help some NPC, find some unique items, something like that. Hard to beat? I mean make them all level 120 or 150. A legendary battle for a legendary pokemon. I think this would highly improves and extend the post game part of PRO (I don't know how it's called, however after you have finish the story in a region and beat E4) and the fun of a legendary battle. What do you think about that?
  15. You can get seen data for legendary.
  16. can give you dex service for gliscor and trevenant. Chespin in game?
  17. Re: Nameless Hero 27 Cheap Shop - New Pokemon 3/10 - Egg Moves service 16k - Full Dex Service Kanto <t>Added:<br/> Kanto: Roggenrola, Rattata (shiny), Rattata (shiny), Weedle (shiny), Simisear (lev 100).<br/> Johto: Sandile, Eevee.<br/> Hoenn: Solrock, Krabby (shiny), Sawk, Throh.</t>
  18. Re: NH27 Berry&Items - Update 3/10 Electrizer/Magmarizer <t>Bump.</t>
  19. i check bulbapedia for the stats needed, then if the nature and the iv's are ok..
  20. Electrode mount and race from the top of Mt Silver, now in my "must do" list.
  21. x Hyper Potions, x Revive, x EV Berry, things like that. Better than starters.
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