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Everything posted by Namelesshero27

  1. I love the new animation and it finally remind me old games with real animations and game expierence. Keep up with the good work, finally a real Life isn't meant to be easy update!
  2. 1% boss drop third win.
  3. This is an hardcore MMO. You have to choose. Or you have a life or you enjoy the game. You can't have both. So stop complaining and join us, life is overrated.
  4. I'm even against the fact bosses drops more than 10k and items like sash or other battle items. +1. Bosses should be there only for the fun, not important reward.
  5. they should just ban status moves against bosses.
  6. It would be good if megas are rare drop (1%) only at 3rd win bosses.
  7. I don't get why suddendly pro need to follow the anime.
  8. Where? When? How?
  9. go suggest to delete trade chat and make everything untradable. It should make you happy, ye?
  10. great idea let's kill pokemon good for megas market.
  11. regular, delusional people abuser, it's everything legal (other than happening only in your mind). What are you talking about. Why I keep replying? Who tell him those 8 characters are splitted in 2 servers and not in the same? Also, I would love staff to tell us how many do solaceon with 8 characters in 2 servers.
  12. and something that exist since years and was never a problem.
  13. it was never abused in years (there are evidence like the price still being high and not cheap) and suddendly is abused? It sounds like you find out solaceon quest yesterday.
  14. so you are saying people only do this in pro. then what they need reroll for? what you are screaming is not happening since solaceon exist, like what, 2 years. It's totally nonsense screaming. If what you are saying was true, reroll would've be around 300k now
  15. maybe that's his goal.
  16. I love how everybody act like you surely get a reroll every 7 days. Sure. Ok.
  17. Namelesshero27


    I agree but only if taxes goes to staff's player account.
  18. That's another problem. With PVE coins being so easy to get, reroll ticket should be removed from the PVE master shop, or at least make it cost double the amount. Keep economy healty.
  19. my suggestion is to remove the reroll from the quest.
  20. I agree as long as they don't give good rewards.
  21. The whole point is to help economy to stay good. If you studied a little bit economy (not at bad schools, I mean real studying, aka mmo experience) you would know that an economy is good as long as people are poor. Being able to make a full boss run would make you rich. So I fully approve our Lovely Leaders decision. Other than this, I would also suggest to make bosses drop max 10k at hard level.
  22. If you are banned then you are not innocent. There are no mistaken ban. The appeal forum is something uselss for me, appealing is like saying staff is wrong. Something that should make the punishment even harder. Respect our Leaders and don't cheat, then you will not get banned.
  23. They are my role model. While other people try to look good gifting stuff (bad thing), they aren't betraying themselves. True hero, true Staff. :prayhard:
  24. it's good because you keep getting 2 coins from solaceon. I love it because it fully explain the "life isn't meant to be fair" concept of this game, an amazing experience that gives us hard life lesson with sufference. Pray.
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