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Ma77ix last won the day on February 14 2019

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  1. During exca i found this visual bug, it seems like the z layer of some rock tiles is lower than the player's, so the palyer seems to stick out. Short video: -Tix
  2. Hello! I might have found a visual bug. The player's sprite is consistently distorted or missing on login while surfing. This does not happen while walking. This is what i discovered: About 50% of the time the face and the hands are transparent if you login while facing east. About 50% of the time the face is distorted if you login while facing south. About 50% of the time the player is distorted ( it seems to spawn facing south or north and overlapping with the normal sprite) if you login while facing west. Ifound no problem logging in while facing north. One step in every direction fixes the problem. Short video Here: As always, i hope this bug wasn't previously posted and sorry if my english isn't the best -Tix
  3. Hi! I just found this bug where you can walk through a wall located in the north-east corner of the island. Walking through that wall allows you to roam into the non-accesible part of the map till you find another wall. Short video here: Screen of the bug: http://prntscr.com/qw44zr As always, i hope this bug wasn't previously posted and sorry if my english isn't the best ;-; -Tix
  4. Thank you for your reply. "The Battle Chat is exactly for that, it is a chat designed for PvP and Pokemon questions." I think we all know that it is. What I wanted to point out is that none is writing in Battle Chat if not short messages like "gg", "gg wp", "hax", "reported". That's why it's not rare to see a player begging for help in Help chat telling us that none is helping him in Battle Chat. What should I do in that situation? I would just help him, that's what my brain says. What do I get if I answer? A warning or a mute. What do I get if I don't answer? A player that keep begging and also spamming messages in Help Chat. These are both terrible situations that sadly people in help chat see too often, in my opinion. What would you do? Maybe you can help me. "Almost any and all questions are really quick to be answered this does not mean you are allowed to do it in those chats as this would destroy the purpose of it." That's not what I meant. I tried to say that if PvP questions were allowed in help chat answering would be more simple and quick instead of redirecting players in a dead Chat and find them again in Help Chat 5 mins later with the same question. Also it has been ages since Battle Chat has died and if it has died it's not because of people asking advices in Help Chat, so forcing player asking things in a dead Chat just didn't seem a good choice to me, because it caused more problem in help chat than good things in Battle Chat. I totally understand your point of view and I hope that Battle Chat will rise again, but if this doesn't happen, will we have the Help Chat's rules changed? Ma77ix
  5. First time Ii'm writing a post, I'm not an english person so forgive my grammar/syntax mistakes. Basically my idea (not just mine, i think most of help-chat players would agree with this) is that rules about help chat should change. We all know that Battle Chat is dead, and by being dead I mean that if you ask for help there about PvP things (as EVs spread, movesets or rates) you will have to wait for 15 to 30 mins if you're lucky, up to 5 hours if you're unlucky. Almost half of the requests on help-chat channel are about those topics and most of the time help chat is full of Mod's messages (like: "Things around movesets and EVs are to be asked in Battle Chat") which are annoying to see and fill space that could be useful to answer to Story-related answer. It takes about 6 to 10 seconds for a Mod to copy-paste that messages, while there are always 2 to 8-9 players (very good in pvp) that can just answer, quick and simple. As many of my friends pointed out, telling someone how many EVs someone has to assign to a pokemon is ACTUALLY an help, so why shouldn't we just help that guy, instead of redirect him in a dead channel? Also think about this: Making an answer will take 2 to 5 seconds and the guy is happy. Redirecting him in another dead chat takes the same amount of time, if not more, and the guy is sad because of no answer and has to ask again, and again, and again. I just can't find any logic sense about that rule, that's why I think it should be changed: Just make help chat a place where ANYONE can find help, maybe not with rate or price checks but AT LEAST let people ask about pvp things. Not sure if I wrote it right, but I tried to explain what I think. [X] EDIT HERE [X] We arrived at the point where people get litteraly muted for helping other people and where players start making fun of Mods because of their messages. That's also another point of view, where you can clearly understand that's something is wrong here. P.M. It's also really sad to say "Ask in Battle Chat" when you know that that question won't have an answer and you could've answered in 3 millisec. Ma77ix
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