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Everything posted by Wipong1

  1. i start heatmor and cruslter 2m each
  2. 180k by me wipong1
  3. Re: WTS Shiny Swellow <t>650k by me</t>
  4. start by me wipong1
  5. aku bid segitu ga dilepas skrng malah di jual forum, dasar pelakor pft
  6. 600k by me wipong1
  7. .....
  8. Re: PvP and Rare shiny Pokemon <t>up up</t>
  9. Re: WTS Shiny Hippopotas <t>2,8m by me<br/> ign wipong1</t>
  10. not.interested
  11. Re: Shiny Store <t>1.6m by me, joguar pls stop hahaha</t>
  12. start ludicolo
  13. i hv sassy ferroseed 16 26 06(speed) 30 21 21 trained lv 98
  14. Re: Shiny Store <t>start mawile,probopass & cradily 500k each</t>
  15. Re: Minccino (first in server) <t>3m now by me</t>
  16. Re: Minccino (first in server) <t>2m by wipong1</t>
  17. Hidden Power Electric
  18. Hi everyone, I will be doing an aution on these Pokes, the rules are simple: • Start from 500k •Auction will end 3days after the 1st offer. •Accept only Pokecash •Lowest bid up 100k. •No matter what the final offer is the auction will not be cancelled. Thank you :)
  19. i bid dragonite impish h.a & 150k, u know me kaijuwar ^^
  20. c.o 1.7m from who ?
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