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  1. *High fives* Awesome news, congrats on the win! :D
  2. Can't wait for FF15! I liked 13 for what it was (haven't played 14) but this looks like a decent return to form for the series. My favourites are 6 and 9- can never decide between them, both have great stories with an awesome cast of characters- and I really like 12 and 5 as well. Think the only one I'm not too fond of was 8; it looked amazing (for the time, those cut scenes!) and has epic music, but the story went downhill pretty quickly after a promising start and the characters were a bit bland for me. Oh, and that Crystal Chronicles game on the GC was one of the most boring games I've ever played, didn't even complete it. But yeah, roll on September! This year's shaping up to be an awesome one for games. :D
  3. Majority of my team were level 30-35, had an Arbok at 39. It's doable with the right types (I switched out my Electric and Flying pokes for Grass and Water) and moves. All out offensive will most likely get you slaughtered at this level though. OHKO on Rhydon and Onix is easy with a Water/Grass type, so after that you basically have to worry about the Persian and Nidoking. It's hard to give specific advice here without knowing your moveset (and I can't remember Giovanni's), but at lower levels inflicting status changes is your best friend. Equipping Sitrus Berries/Leftovers can help you get another hit in too. If you want to win with your current team then think ahead and change order accordingly. For instance, your Raticate probably outspeeds Nidoking(?) and has access to Super Fang- boom that'd be half his HP gone if you can reserve Raticate for that job. Can't remember if Nidoking has Magnitude/Earthquake but maybe Dig/Leftovers could be a viable option here too. If Raticate has access to attack/defence lowering moves these could be a good suicide option to make it slightly easier for the next Pokemon to take Nidoking down. Don't think any of your team can match Persian for speed so either Sleep Powder followed by a strong offense or lowering his attack to a more manageable level (i.e spam Growl/potions) and then taking him down. There's probably other ways as well but that's all I can think of off the top of my head. Or forego all that and just continue grinding. :p
  4. I struggled with Giovanni so much as my team choice at the time was weak to Earth/Rock, I feel your pain! If your Gloom has access to moves like Poison/Sleep Powder try saving it for the Persian and chipping away at it. Wartortle should wipe the floor with Onix so try saving him for that. Maybe change your order or look over old moves with the Move Relearner and see if there's anything there that would help you. If all else fails, consider changing your team up a bit- I trained up a Cherrim I had stashed away and spammed him with Petal Dance for a really easy victory in the end.
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