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Everything posted by 404shaconotfoun

  1. Adamant Atk: 12 Def: 05 SPD: 27 SPATK: 09 SPDEF: 24 HP: 09
  2. I found the last one. There was 6 grunts not 5. The grunt in front of the rocket base says its five so you should probably fix that :)
  3. PRO Username: 404shaconotfoun Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? When I bought my membership I went to the Seviiislands but I left after Ive beat 3 rocket grunts on the 5th island and Now when Im back Ive beaten all 5 but I still cant enter the rocket base house because the npc in front of the house still says there are 5 rocket grunts. What have you already tried to solve the problem? I've asked multiple players that have done the quest but they can't help and I've checked all the places where the grunts were 3 times. I have also watched a few walkthroughs but they are not helping. Description and Message This is about the Sevii island 5th quest. I have beaten all the rocket grunts around the place but still cant go into the rocket base.
  4. I probably wont try to get the pokemon for celebi for a while. I probably will start trying when Im really close to completing johto dex but until then I'll just try to get my favorite pokemon with decent stats! :)
  5. Finally going to catch Mew after 578 hours. XD I didn't even try to catch mew before but when I saw that I was really close to it I started trying so here it is :)
  6. Or make the shiny encounter the horde pokemons x5 since 1 is 1/8192 then it will become 5/40960.
  7. It's like when I found 4 togepis in like 15 minutes on love island
  8. Beldum from MIneral site 3200 Points btw
  9. nice :O I also got focus sash from Historical site and I only have 3100 points
  10. Come give it a try! :Grin:
  11. Yes, it can be found in granite cave 1F in the day
  12. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ UPDATED with Ev spots in Hoenn (Looking for players to help) <t>Location: Route 110 (Hoenn)<br/> Pokes: Zigzagoon, Voltorb, Wingull, Plusle & Minun<br/> Encounter Rate: Common, Plusele & Minun Sparse<br/> Timing: D,N,M<br/> Ev's: Speed<br/> <br/> <br/> Location: Route 113 (Hoenn)<br/> Pokes: Machop, Machoke, Mankey, Sawk, Tyrogue<br/> Encounter Rate: Common & Uncommon, Sawk Rare/Extremely Rare<br/> Timing: D,N,M<br/> Ev's: Attack</t>
  13. Kanto Safari ms exclusive in the grasss all time
  14. Oh its the 140 kanto pokes Im missing. Thanks!
  15. I cant goto trainers valley even tho Ive done the subway quest and defeated RED. This is all it says and on the other side it says Onwards to Saffron.
  16. I want to sell an epic ev trained Drapion, Trained in Attack and Speed. 650k
  17. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>Route 110 Speed<br/> Voltorb, Zigzagoon, Wingull<br/> Route 112 Attack<br/> Machop, Machoke, Mankey, Tyrogue, Sawk</t>
  18. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ The oldest guild ingame! (recruiting on both servers) <r><HIGHLIGHT highlight="yellow"><s>[highlight=yellow]</s>1. What is your nickname in PRO?<e>[/highlight]</e></HIGHLIGHT> <br/> 404shaconotfoun<br/> <br/> <HIGHLIGHT highlight="yellow"><s>[highlight=yellow]</s>2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why?<e>[/highlight]</e></HIGHLIGHT><br/> Water/Dark/Dragon. Probably Floatzel, Greninja and Garchomp because I like them all and all 3 has been a part of me for a long time. Also floatzel was my first ever level 100 on any pokemon game.<br/> <br/> <HIGHLIGHT highlight="yellow"><s>[highlight=yellow]</s>3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO?<e>[/highlight]</e></HIGHLIGHT><br/> Of course. Probably get my favorite pokemon and train them to the best. :3<br/> <br/> <HIGHLIGHT highlight="yellow"><s>[highlight=yellow]</s>4. What made you to join on this journey with us?<e>[/highlight]</e></HIGHLIGHT><br/> Well I want to be in a guild and talk to people and just enjoy my time :)<br/> <br/> <HIGHLIGHT highlight="yellow"><s>[highlight=yellow]</s>5. What is your final objective in PRO?<e>[/highlight]</e></HIGHLIGHT><br/> Get my favorite pokemons with good stats and train them to 100.<br/> <br/> <HIGHLIGHT highlight="yellow"><s>[highlight=yellow]</s>6. How many hours did you play on Red? and how many hours did you play on Blue?<e>[/highlight]</e></HIGHLIGHT><br/> On blue I've played 357 hours and on Red I've played maybe around 50 hours.<br/> <br/> <HIGHLIGHT highlight="yellow"><s>[highlight=yellow]</s>7. Why did you choose Blaze especially (Not a must but preferable if there is a reason noted)<e>[/highlight]</e></HIGHLIGHT><br/> Because I like the name of the guild, and there are probably alot of friendly people in this guild so I would like to be a part of it :)</r>
  19. So I first went to all the pokecenters in Hoenn without problem. Then when i was going to install the pcs in all pokecenters I also went to all pokecenters, BUT I only got 4 pcs installed. Don't say I didnt go to all the pokecenters because I did, I went to all of them twice trying the pcs, but still only 4 installed.
  20. Found one in Route 111 Desert Another one in Fiery Path ¨ And another one in Rusturf Tunnel
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