Hi, my ign is han1996 and these are the ideas that i hope can be added on updates :Grin:
-What if there was a npc who tells you how much hour left for bosses
-What if there was a forfeit button for pvp
-what if you can trade from far away but in a pokecenter(ex.i am in vermillion pc and the seller is in mauville pc)
-what if there was a npc in every route who would tell you how much cool down is left for the headbutt
-what if information about the headbutt pokes in game were also available
-what if we had our own guild area(press a button and you can go to the guild area)
-what if there was a place guild people can take pictures for their guild
-what if people could add their country chat channel from the start(when you start professor oak asks which language do you prefer? and then the game adds the chat channel that includes the language.
-what if there is an app in the game that allows you to take screenshots or video and let you report right away
-what if people can link their poke from the game to the forum(they dont have to take screenshots, etc)
-what if ms is obtainable by doing a quest or winning a boss(some people dont have real money and price of ms in blue server is rising so high these days)
-what if there is a button in the game and if you press it will send a notification to the staff and the staff can reply right away.
-what if you can reorganize the whole pc(yup the whole pc) like (lvl100 to lowest),(recent to old).
-what if people can choose how long the npc will take to reset(ex.1day,5days,1 week)
I hope some of these ideas are made and ty for making this great game^^