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Everything posted by Han1996

  1. I agree with you^^ :y:
  2. wow both mews are awesome :y:
  3. Re: 1vs6 Lv120 Boss Team HACKER! (Vol.28 VS Ravine Updated!) <t>ty for the guide^^</t>
  4. oops sorry mysteries :Shy: Hope you find a way^^
  5. There's a green house in Saffron City with a NPC called Logo Master. You can create your guild logo there:)
  6. Im in blue server, but your event sounds fun^^ If I could i would have joined the tournament. Good luck with it^^ :y:
  7. :Heart: :Heart: :Heart: :)
  8. Hey GodApolloLover^^ It sounds great. :y: hope it gets coded
  9. Mysteries I just found this https://iag.me/socialmedia/broadcast-computer-facebook-live/ hope it helps^^
  10. That would look great mysteries^^ Go for it!!! :Smile:
  11. Every economy in every server is not that good atm. All the prices are high for ms and coins. But we can't do anything about it since staffs can't intefere at prices when looking at trade rules
  12. Welcome buddy^^
  13. Hi^^ welcome to pro^^
  14. Hi im han :) WELCOME
  15. Welcome to pro^^ :Cool:
  16. Welcome back :)
  17. Hi, Welcome to pro^^ :Smile:
  18. hey:) welcome to pro and i hope you have a lot of fun
  19. Welcome^^
  20. Hi and i hope we can meet some day^^
  21. Still, sometimes bosses are in a place that takes long to get or hard to get to. It is very annoying when you go for boss and realize you have more hrs left
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