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Everything posted by Tzrekjad

  1. hey right now im hunting for a shiny koffing, im surfing in celadon city atm in hopes to get one, does any1 know of a better place by any chance? Thanks.
  2. wow thats amazing
  3. PRO Username: Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? nothing What have you already tried to solve the problem? nothing Description and Message Hi, i know the title of this thread is a little off but please let me explain. About 40 minutes ago I stupidly insulted a couple of mods by taking a joke that i thought was funny a bit too far. Around 20 minutes later i realized i had been banned. I deserve this no doubt but I just recently tried to log in and it was successful. I am not intending to troll with this post however I am just saying this as i am confused. In addition after going into my accounts section I realized I was banned for a totally different reason, something I didn't do( Rule 7) However I am aware this info is best kept for the discipline approval. I am stating this if this helps any staff provide me with information. edit: so what this lead me to believe is that i got banned for something i didn't do, instead of me joking around with mods. second edit: I have now been restricted again from logging in and i will now go to the discipline appeals section. Thank You
  4. yo does anyone know why the servers have been down for over 2 hours? ^^ just curious thanks.
  5. Hey there, TzRekJad. I went ahead and locked your topic. By chance, did you happen to sell the Pokemon? yeah but not on the forums
  6. PRO Username: tzrekjad Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? nothing What have you already tried to solve the problem? nothing Description and Message can staff member lock my pose please? https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=93&t=30642 thank you.
  7. If no staffs in game, just quote me in this post, I will login to help you. Hi could you help me please? :D I dont think any are online Sorry i couldnt find you or any other staff in game, im going to bed now thanks anyways :)
  8. i am in red server, do you mean go into the trade chat and ask for staff there to trade? If no staffs in game, just quote me in this post, I will login to help you. Hi could you help me please? :D I dont think any are online
  9. Which server you in? When you online tell me or any staffs, we will help you trade evo. --Moved to proper place-- i am in red server, do you mean go into the trade chat and ask for staff there to trade?
  10. https://gyazo.com/5eb89ba67486797f7a4bd3c8d17cc811 hey i am selling the blue nosed guy start offer- whatever the first bid is insta - 70k
  11. Title. ...also i know that in viridian its nearly 100% for magikarp and same for diglett in digletts cave
  12. Hi do any of you know the best location to find these pokes? i've tried the beach south of fuschia city and found a few. Do they appear more freuently at other locations? im using a super rod.
  13. do you know how i can get into contact with mod trade? thanks. You can see them in game at the trade channel when they are online and according to the forums the trade mods are: Piine, Jvtr, Slushii And Flik. You can also ask Windypuff she does trade evo's too. Alright thanks alot guys!
  14. do you know how i can get into contact with mod trade? thanks.
  15. Moved to the proper sub-forum Hi could you or a mod lock this for me please? Thank You.
  16. I offer 100k for the koffing, If you have any other shinies you would want to offer me for this price (or lower) please say.
  17. oh sorry reread your post and tenta is sold.
  18. i start offer 70k for tentacool
  19. tentacool how much?
  20. Hi I am doing the subway quest and i am currently in route 16 night time hunting for a pigeoto with a nocturnal feather. I am using a frisk pokemon however i just cant seem to find the item. is there anything im missing out on? Thanks
  21. Hey guys do you know a pokemon that has a cool shiny that is good to shiny hunt for? I was considering shellder but hes too rare. I am currently in dragons den making money hoping for a random shiny. I already have found a shiny golbat ^^
  22. okay guys thanks for the info!
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