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Everything posted by Knaveofpokemon

  1. Message me with what you have and your price.
  2. With that many bikes they are free!!
  3. No Game No Life is life. :Heart:
  4. Gible, he's a short fat badass
  5. My bikes and I
  6. A little about me; I wanna be the very best, Like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test, To train them is my cause. My Plan I will travel across the land, Searching far and wide. Each Pokemon to understand The power that's inside My Mantra its just you and me I know its my destiny Pokemon, oh, they're my best friends In a world we must defend My Drive a heart so true Our courage will pull us through You teach me and I'll teach you I Gotta catch 'em all Nice to meet you all!
  7. Samurai Pizza Cats, It was a different time back then.
  8. I have the same issue as well, along with the forced walk, no other commands work.
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