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Everything posted by Judgement

  1. While I've never had any issue with the original poster and happen to think he's actually quite a cool guy based on the time I have spent on the in game chats, I have to say that being allowed to start over after having an account banned, an appeal lost (with an inclusion of a lie) is quite....absurd. It doesn't exactly worry me if my account was to be banned if I knew I would merely be allowed to make another. This in turn will encourage people doing much more significant cheating or unlawful activities. Keeping this hidden and merely the OP suggesting he made a ''new account'' would have been better in my opinion. Terms of service are there for a reason, what's the point of having them if we can bend or even disregard them. I mean absolutely zero offence to Clockspeed, I'm just generalising.
  2. I've played Pokemon since Generation 1 on the handhelds and never encountered a shiny until Black 2. The funny thing is, I caught the Pokemon and must have had it weeks before my brother checked my box and noticed I have a shiny Pokemon. It was a Gastoden? You know, Shellos upgraded. The point is, it looks absolutely the same as a normal one. I had no idea and still even now wouldn't be convinced if it wasn't for the star by its name in the box and it's unique battle entry. Very disappointed by that. Edit: It was the East Sea one, blue. Take a look at the shiny sprites and you'll understand my disappointment. :,)
  3. While this is correct, I can confirm with the OP that double money does in fact not work in wild Pokemon encounters. I assumed this was the norm, since double money from trainer battles reaps enough reward in itself.
  4. 1m bid on Gengar - Milne1991
  5. Two failed sync Staryu, just curious.
  6. New BO on Gengar. https://i.imgsafe.org/858343a45c.png
  7. Pretty sure I've sorted it now, thanks for the heads up. I didn't realise. :)
  8. I reserve the right to retract Pokemon from the auction if I deem the amount I get is not worth the Pokemon being sold. I don't care too much for these Pokemon, so I don't see this happening I'm just giving a heads up. (Unless this is against ToS in which case any Pokemon bid on will be sold.) Each Pokemon will have a 2 day auction (48 hours) from the minute they have got a bid. After exactly 48 hours they will be sold, regardless of bids later than said time. This is work in progress and the Pokemon not EV trained will probably be EV trained before these auctions finish unless requested otherwise. All Pokemon will come with no items on them. :) ALL TIMES ARE BST! That out of the way, the Pokemon: Timid Abra, 29 SP, 29 SPD, 24 HP. https://i.imgsafe.org/85427dd2f3.png Adamant Arcanine, 31 ATK, 27 SPD, 27 HP. https://i.imgsafe.org/85429b1204.png Adamant Banette, 31 ATK. https://i.imgsafe.org/8542aebd3d.png ( Timid Gengar, 31 SPD, 31 SP ATK. - BO 1m by Milne1991 https://i.imgsafe.org/855c99a3f7.png First offer received at Jul 15, 2016. 1:54 am. Auction ends: Jul 17, 2016. 1:54am. ) Adamant Magikarp, 29 ATK, 30 SPD, 26 HP. https://i.imgsafe.org/8542c86e9c.png Jolly Weavile, 30 ATK, 30 SPD. https://i.imgsafe.org/8542d33259.png I will probably add more to the list as it goes on, for now.. happy bidding. :)
  9. Just wanting a rough value on each of them please, thanks in advance.
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