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  1. Same issue. Stuck at loading map screen
  2. PRO Username: Hominghead Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? - Use Search Function - Read Guides Section - Ask "Help" Chat Description and Message I'm in Blackthorn City, haven't done the Arena yet, trying to level a Mankey. I read i can learn Thunder Punch if i use Rock Climb on some Area in Route 42, but i don't know where to find Rock Climb Move. So, where's Rock Climb move?
  3. Same Issue. I've tried to connect with my Android device (didnt test pc version yet because im at work) and the app just freezes up on login, where it was working fine yesterday. Tried rebooting the device and reinstalling the app, nothing works
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