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Everything posted by Fresharn

  1. As the title says, I'm looking for a membership to buy, paying 150k :)
  2. Hello, I know this is under the blue server but I wanted to ask if you sell coins on the red server aswell if you do I would like to buy 100 from you :)
  3. Sorry its already sold, was more then sure that i edited it. You're bo
  4. I'm not sure to if it's under or over priced but I find it intresting that a mount that removes the need of a surf pokemon cost 50 while these items wich does the same thing ( removes need of a pokemon with an hm) is more expensive
  5. Re: 365 days of Christmas: MacCollin's Pokefarm <r>Looks like a nice project, like the sound of it, might consider donating something if i find anything ( and remember :p) if I do I'll be sure to contact you! <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  6. Make your offer and i will decide if i find it sufficient enough to start a auction with it :)
  7. Re: Airshop • LVL 100 : Scizor, Arcanine, Dragonite, Mamoswine | EPICs Poké | Sync | cheapTrash & more [updated 13/01] <r><QUOTE author="Airshot"><s> </e></QUOTE><QUOTE author="LajatoRafael"><s> </e></QUOTE><QUOTE author="FreSHarN"><s> </e></QUOTE> contact me in game with /friend Airshot for the trades <E>:Grin:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> yes, I tried last night but it seems you were not online at that time (11pm gmt +1) I will try again when I can go online :)</r>
  8. Re: Airshop • LVL 100 : Arcanine, Dragonite, Mamoswine | EPICs Poké | Sync | cheapTrash & more [crazy update! 50+new!] <r>abra #8 5k <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/Sk8BR60.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  9. Re: The Tiny Auction House - Current auction on Epic Larvitar!! <t>up</t>
  10. Re: The Tiny Auction House - Current auction on Epic Larvitar!! <t>up</t>
  11. Re: The Tiny Auction House - Current auction on Epic Larvitar!! <t>up</t>
  12. Re: The Tiny Auction House - Current auction on Epic Larvitar!! <t>up</t>
  13. When you start a new region your current pokemon (from kanto) will be put into your pc and locked until you've gotten 8 badges, until then you cannot use the kanto ones but get them back after the 8th badge
  14. Re: The Tiny Auction House - Current auction on Epic Larvitar!! <t>up</t>
  15. Re: The Tiny Auction House - Current auction on Epic Larvitar!! <r>Bo on larvitar 130k <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/A57V2lv.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  16. Re: The Tiny Auction House - Current auction on Epic Larvitar!! <t>Up</t>
  17. Re: The Tiny Auction House - Current auction on Epic Larvitar!! <t>Bumpp</t>
  18. Re: The Tiny Auction House - Current auction on Epic Larvitar!! <t>up</t>
  19. Re: The Tiny Auction House - Current auction on Epic Larvitar!! <t>up</t>
  20. Re: The Tiny Auction House - Epic Tank Larvitar added!!! <t>Epic tank larvitar added!!</t>
  21. First timid ghastly 20k
  22. Re: The Tiny Auction House - Ongoing Auction on Epic Zangoose!! <t>Bump. 6 hours left on epic zangoose!!</t>
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