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Posts posted by Zamrayz

  1. Teach me the ways of old..


    Really, i grew up as one of those kids sorta oblivious to the pokemon fandom.

    But today! Today i finally decided to really jump aboard and do my homework.

    Idk anything about stats or moves and moves sets that are good for what and which.

    Idk what pokemon need depending on type and i hadn't even begun to memorize whats strong or whats easy to get or strong against what.




    So i guess i'm more or less here asking for help from experienced players and to have someone point me towards the most useful guides yall know. So many of them are outdated though and buried underneath other things.


    The only thing i was really introduced to when i was little was the Pokemon Stadium on Nintendo station.

    As a result, my favorite pokemon i ever owned was Lickitung and Zapdose.


    My Zapdose basically one shot everything in the game and i didn't really learn anything.

    Lickitung is the result of a minigame.


    I like Deoxys and Darkrai too because of the movies i saw on TV when it aired.



    So uhh.. Hi.

  2. Re: Meetik's Sig Stall


    <r><QUOTE author="Meetik"><s>

    </s><POST content="168997"><s></s>168997<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Zamrayz"><s>

    <B><s></s>Option 1:<e></e></B><br/>

    Can I get one with my IGN in the lower right corner starting off as black, fade into red and then white--or just in red and black in any way you see fit.<br/>

    See if you can find a Darkrai actually standing on his legs. Matching color scheme back round.<br/>

    Or do whatever the hell you want haha, you're amazing.<br/>


    quote "Sometimes it's worth the wait." if you are okay with putting that in the sig.<br/>



    Your request was well written, and something about your theme really sparked an interest in me.<br/>

    Darkrai was my first event Pokemon back in the day, so it was fun putting together something with such a dark tone.<br/>

    I struggled to find a picture of Darkrai with legs, so settled with one I found online. (If only I could draw, haha!)<br/>


    I tried to stick as much to the request as possible, but the username transition was a disaster. Four attempts lead me to go with a different approach, hopefully it still has the desired, menacing effect. (I have to say, I've never had to use a double Stroke before, but then again, I'm not used to such a gothic design.)<br/>

    My final concern was the background. I tried splitting it up with a secondary background, but could not decide whether to round it or have i flow through the whole picture.<br/>

    Nevertheless, I have provided both attempts, so you can select the one you prefer the most.<br/>


    Your other 'options' were interesting, but I chickened out and went with your first ;)<br/>

    Hope you enjoy.<br/>


    <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/Hhpjy61.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

    <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/14ujq4X.png"><s></e></IMG><e>



    OMGAWD THIS IS AMAZING! Thank you so much im so--i'mnotcrying<br/>

    I love you.<br/>

    This is no problem at all. Your style is great and purple happens to be my favorite color.<br/>

    I just hope you enjoyed making this and learned something new.<br/>

    <E>:thanks:</E> <br/>



    I can somewhat draw but i don't have the material to work with yet.<br/>

    I'll see what i can do to repay you. <E>:Grin:</E></r>

  3. Re: Meetik's Sig Stall


    <r><QUOTE author="Zamrayz"><s>

    </s><POST content="168902"><s></s>168902<e></e></POST> Do you do requests?



    Depends on what you want :)<QUOTE author="BadrTheghost"><s>

    </s><POST content="168908"><s></s>168908<e></e></POST> nice idea to make money xD<e>


    Alrighty then.<br/>

    Mind if i ask...<br/>


    <B><s></s>Option 1:<e></e></B><br/>

    Can I get one with my IGN in the lower right corner starting off as black, fade into red and then white--or just in red and black in any way you see fit.<br/>

    See if you can find a Darkrai actually standing on his legs. Matching color scheme back round.<br/>

    Or do whatever the hell you want haha, you're amazing.<br/>


    <B><s></s>Option 2:<e></e></B><br/>

    Similar idea with my IGN, but this time white and pink.<br/>

    I would like to have a Lickitung and sushi somewhere.<br/>

    Matching color scheme.<br/>

    Prefer it to be pixelated for lack of Lickitung fanart.<br/>

    (Not at all required.)<br/>


    <B><s></s>Option 3:<e></e></B><br/>


    Deoxys looks amazing, and seemed pretty amazing in the anime.<br/>

    Prefer it's default form.<br/>

    Do whatever you feel like with this.<br/>


    <B><s></s>Option 4:<e></e></B><br/>

    Do something cool with Zapdose. <br/>

    First legendary I ever owned.<br/>


    <B><s></s>No time limit.<e></e></B><br/>

    I'll wait forever, and whenever you feel like taking up the offer.<br/>

    Can't stress it enough, do it on your own time when you and if you decide you want to.<br/>




    Pokemon Stadium @ Nintendo Station<br/>

    Explains why I like Lickitung so much..<br/>

    <E>:kiss:</E> <br/>


    quote "Sometimes it's worth the wait." if you are okay with putting that in the sig.<br/>


  4. Re: Meetik's Sig Stall


    <t>Do you do requests?<br/>

    Im very new in the pokemon fandom.. Idk squat about making the money in this game yet and i only just started a few days ago.<br/>

    But i seem to spend more of my time on the forums than anywhere else.<br/>


    If i can figure it out, i will not hesitate to throw money at you later.<br/>

    But if you're fine with requests that would be amazing too.<br/>


    I don't like stressing people with their art and putting timelimits on anything. <br/>

    You should be doing it in your own time whenever you feel like it.</t>

  5. I'm one of those rare kids that grew up not actually knowing anything about pokemon at all. I'm trying to do my homework so i can simply build the best teams but idk anything about stats, what moves do what before i get them, and what pokemon needs what for their natures and preferred stats.


    SO, here is the first post asking for your opinion on what pokemon i'm interested in getting later.

    I know everybody has a different preference, so anything you have to offer is great.


  6. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[]


    <r>We can still request?<br/>




    Option 1:<br/>

    Can I get one with my IGN in the lower right corner starting off as black, fade into red and then white--or just in red and black in any way you see fit.<br/>

    See if you can find a Darkrai actually standing on his legs. Matching color scheme back round.<br/>

    Or do whatever the hell you want haha, you're amazing.<br/>


    Option 2:<br/>

    Similar idea with my IGN, but this time white and pink.<br/>

    I would like to have a Lickitung and sushi somewhere.<br/>

    Matching color scheme.<br/>

    Prefer it to be pixelated for lack of Lickitung fanart.<br/>

    (Not at all required.)<br/>


    Option 3:<br/>


    Deoxys is amazing.<br/>

    Looks amazing in every way, shape and form.<br/>


    Do whatever you feel like with this.<br/>


    No time limit.<br/>

    I'll wait forever, and whenever you feel like taking up the offer one day.<br/>




    Pokemon Stadium @ Nintendo Station</r>

  7. Ohh--OH! I would love to get one!


    These all look amazing holy..

    I'm surprised you're not just selling them.

    You're an amazing person..!


    Option 1:

    Can I get one with my IGN in the lower right corner starting off as black, fade into red and then white--or just in red and black in any way you see fit.

    See if you can find a Darkrai actually standing on his legs and make a shadow-like back round with, generally, matching colors.


    Option 2:

    Similar idea with my IGN, but this time white and pink.

    I would like to have a Lickitung and sushi somewhere in the back round with similar color scheme.

    Prefer it to be pixelated. Not not at all required.




    Pokemon Stadium @ Nintendo Station

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