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Everything posted by Nahdha94

  1. ohoho.. ok goodluck :Grin:
  2. i spend 200hour in trade channel just to watched the range price from a lot of pkm.. :Smile:HaHa Goodluck
  3. open the link below then read correctly the conversation,.. goodluck guys :Smile: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43491
  5. Windypuff u r cool, help a lot of people, good staff :Smile:
  6. thanks for ur guide :y: Excuse me, it isn't in the casino, right? Where is the house? The underground in the house is the way to go celedon city. The NPC (Sergeant Rick) for accept quest at the bottom around outside casino. The casino is the place inside for do quest.
  7. goodluck guys :Smile:
  8. simple info but helpful i though
  9. what's Coop33 said is alternative solution, but u can try it.. goodluck
  10. nice post :y:
  11. Hey... teach me how to make a colourful post like yours Myuu :Smile:
  12. Hi Mew.. welcome :Smile: i love ur colourful post ^_^ I play in Blue server too, use this nickname, feel free to chat if u need help,. sent me PM if u want to asking about something!! :y: I also have Facebook acount n Skype if u want to contact me, see u..
  13. Hi Shane.. Thanks a lot for u team & ur effort for this awesome Pokemon Gaming Online, i really like PRO..!! :Heart: I already play 670hour I like LUCARIO, even i dont have it, cause Lucario so cool & loyal to his master (trainer) nevermind going alone (solo wanderer), optimistic, stubborn enough with it's own desire.. i choose him cause he representaive of myself, i really feel Lucario reminded to my self!! :y: That's why i feel n think i deserve get that's Gaming Headset, cause i never have it once, have no money to buy it X(( :D I'm from Indonesia, live in Yogyakarta city (the famous one city in Indonesia) u can searching it google :Smile:
  14. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>nice!</t>
  15. yah... good :Smile: :y: enjoy the game
  16. i dont know all about pkm yet, but for ryhorn best nature is impish, adamant, it's doesnt need speed cause it's tanker type. Some people suggest website for us to know more about pkm, u can search this https://www.smogon.com/ & this one https://pokemondb.net/ goodluck :Smile:
  17. ur vulpix has perfect nature n ability (h.a.) also good at spd n sp.atk IV but bad in def n sp.def it would be easly killed by water move, but maybe u can sell it around 30-60k depend ur luckiness n patience to posting :Grin: goodluck...
  18. Good enough stats n IV if i have it i try to seel for around 250k-350k depend our luckiness too,, goodluck
  19. if only not 04 maybe u can sell it for 500k-800k :y:
  20. WOW.. ur azu is good one just unfortunately it's Sp.def IV 04 :n: but try to sell it around 200k-350k maybe, it's also depend on ur luckiness maybe someone will offer u more than that price or maybe less,
  21. for vigoroth i also have 2 vigoroth same level like u i just sell it for 25k cause i buy from someone for 15k for the nuzleaf that's stats is good but... both of ur pkm have same problem , already evolved n not yet level100 i spend a lot my time in trade channel n i know mostly people prefer buy pkm already evolved n level100 or not evolved yet at all,.. try to level up ur nuzleaf until level100 or sell for maybe around 70k-95k TIPS : Evolved pkm need more EXP to evolve, example magikarp need 20k EXP to levelup but if already become gyarados it's need 100k to levelup so hard!!! better levelup ur pkm around level 95-98 n use candy to finish it :y: goodluck sir..!! :Smile:
  22. Better u screenshot ur pkm stats n upload here so other people can easily can comment ur posting sir.. or at least try to posting like this shiny ninetales's price check LEVEL xx nature xx // ability xx atk xx def xx spd xx sp.def xx sp.atk xx hp xx goodluck next time,
  23. Hi.. i sell Absol & Houndoum Mount, please send me private message to negotiate :Smile: :thanks:
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