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Everything posted by Oxainside

  1. ------------------------------------------ Report Form ------------------------------------------ Move/ Ability/ Item Name: Outrage Explanation (Bugged/ Not Yet Coded): 1 turn outrage, 2nd turn change move to extreme speed Description of Bug/ Not Code: change move when really dont have to do it How it should be: Repeats for two to three turns. Confuses user at the end. https://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/moves/outrage/ Evidence (video/ others): no evidence, but it happened with dragonite. please check. ------------------------------------------
  2. Hi, i win to team aqua boss, but when i go to gems location and click it, dosn´t matter, dont give me the gems, any idea? (sory my english)
  3. Re: Ingame BOSS [02/08/2016] <t>Erika give's me 5 EV Berry as reward if you want to put it. :D</t>
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