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Everything posted by Mentis

  1. As mentioned this is the right forum for this topic, Thanks.
  2. The game is growing, it is expected for prices to go up on everything including Memberships.
  3. Re: futz's auction house (EPIC Tech Scyther) <t>Moved to the proper forum</t>
  4. Moved to the proper forum
  5. Hello and welcome to PRO! i hope you have long fun time here.
  6. Lol people like you is who ruin the game, you think that people will hold their progress in game just for you to buy ms at 150k or so? no never going to happen so it's simple go on a strike by your self and lets see how far that gets you
  7. There is no subforum for trade evolving, what i suggest is that when you see a Tmod (Trade Mod) in game to ask him for help or just do it with someone you trust. And even doing that, i should advice of taking screen shots of every trade and conversation you had for that trade.
  8. Welcome to PRO, i hope you have a fun time.
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