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Everything posted by Linkaros

  1. good evening....super weird because i am only selling normal pvp pokemons ..not selling shiny just a collection as it says...you can check below on sales or my trade history haha...also i have disgussed this in the past with an old trade mod and it was ok..and i honestly have this format like almost 8 years...so i dont know honestly what is the problem...i will fix it anyways but i am not currently on my home pc and i dont have my doc file will make an update soon (like 2-3 days approx) in my shop pokemons and sales and i will fix it dont worry!! have a nice day anyways
  2. heyo...pls pm me on discord so we can find a common timezone for the trade i am not that active these days ingame
  3. hello there...pls pm me discord so we can find a common time for the trade
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