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Everything posted by Jnslevin

  1. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ UPDATED [7/2/16] <r><QUOTE author="Hakunon"><s> </e></QUOTE> Yes you can get the extra points immediately but there's a limit to each level. When you level up you'll get those extra but only up to the level limit, of course level 100 being the max and maximum points reachable from ivs and evs training will be shown. You can change their EVs on lv 100 and watch as their stats change in real time for every 4 evs reset/gained.<br/> <br/> As for the second question: Every Pokemon gives EVs, you can search up a list in bulbapedia, but they ONLY give evs if you pokemon has earned exp, idk if it works this way in PRO. EVs are always the same earned even if a lot of pokemon participate from the battle, of course Macho Brace effects only apply to the pokemon holding it.<br/> <br/> Also the best place to speed train in Kanto is Digletts Cave.<e> </e></QUOTE> soooo do i have to train a pokemon then from lvl 20 to lvl 100 in diglets cave if i want a good speed stat?<br/> and what do i do with my misdreavus if i want it to get faster? just lvl in diglets cave? that takes years :D<br/> .. i cant get a pic in there ill just write it down :D <br/> <br/> lvl 85<br/> nature :timid<br/> atk: 146 20 182<br/> def: 148 20 116<br/> spd: 209 23 103<br/> spatk: 162 10 020<br/> spdef: 181 18 080<br/> hp: 27 009<br/> <br/> is it even still possible to get a speed training on it?<br/> really thank you for ur help :)</r>
  2. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ UPDATED [7/2/16] <t>i have just one more question :D<br/> so for the real dummies..<br/> if i beat 4 diglets in diglets cave i get 1 more point in speed immediately or after lvl up? and what exactly does all those numbers mean (white, blue, red)<br/> im so confused right now.... <br/> and does EVERY pokemon raise a stat?<br/> if u dont want to take all the time to explain a idiot those things just tell me where in kanto i can train speed :D<br/> thanks for ur patience :)</t>
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