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  1. Can be closed.
  2. Bug Auction started 06/12/2019 at 1.35 pm forum zone. It will last till 08/12/2019 at 1.35 forum zone.
  3. How much is it gonna worth if i sell it full EV and 100lvl?
  4. i guess that the earlier evos has a "xmas costume", right?
  5. Auction will last 48 hours. Time will start after the first bid. Starting offer 500k. No insta yet. It will be added in the last 24 hours. Min raise 100k. If there is a bid in the last 30 minutes, auction will last 1hour more. Payments: Pokedollars & CC CC=300k each
  6. Auction Time: 48 hours. Start time: After first bid. Start offer 400k Insta: 2m Min bid: 100k Only cash & cc (300k each).
  7. Sold. It can lock.
  8. Auction wil start after the first bid. 48 hours will last. Started offer: 400k Min bid 100k Insta price: 3m
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