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Posts posted by Sarks

  1. hello i am selling this forretress


    rules :


    starting price 1m

    accepting cc too for 250k each

    24 hours action

    i dont have the right the cancel the auction what ever is the last offer

    then auction will start when i see the starting price. i will start a countdown clock online

    wins the poke if the last offer (in the 0min left) will not get outbid for 5min

    thank you very much for your time!! good luck everyone



    insta price : 2m


    live countdown


  2. I don't understand your concept of real money though. I need a better explanation because until this is explained better, it's a -1 from me. The suggestion is really weirdly written and I can't properly comprehend some of the sentences.


    Real money and Real Money Trading (RMT) should never be allowed into a fangame or into PRO, absolutely never. Real money should only be involved into giving donations to the game to maintain and help improve the servers, and nothing more. What I understand is giving Membership users more benefits, but I'm a bit 50/50 on it since it will widen the gap between normal and membership users. I'd understand that MS reduces certain boss cooldowns and that you get extra pokedollars from bosses, but until I understand what you mean by "real money in game", I'll stay out reading comments until I comment and give my opinion further again.





    maybe you didnt understand because of my bad english! and sorry about that!


    i will try to say it as simple as i can!

    the game and every game need donations right ? (donations = real money ingame) so that means that every game need real money to be better right ?


    so i am suggesting to give more benefits to the ms users! so everyone will need ccs! if more people are buying cc then the game will have more donations - getting real money!


    and everyone will be more happy!

    they game will get more donatios and the players will get more benefits! that was my only suggestion it didnt want to insult anyone! and sorry if you felt that way!

    again thank you very much for your time that you spend to read my post!

  3. hello i just thought of something i guess that i should give an idea for better life for the game!


    the game need real money to be alive and be better too! the players need updates and some ways to make their game more nice.


    the basic way to make money is from bosses!! i suggest that the ms players will have the cooldown from bosses half than the non ms users.

    that have one way! everyone will want to have ms so they can battle the bosses every week! so more ccs! so more real money in game! and more pokemoney for players!!

    i think its a win win!! the game really need the money! thats for sure! so the game must give something to the players that will make them to buy ccs!

    the most wanted thing from players are the pokemoney! so give them the chanse to make money from bosses by having ms and half cooldown! and also the game will have more money since everyone will want to have ms!!


    thank you very much for your time to read my suggest. and thank you for the nice work you do with the game!

    • Like 1
  4. hello i am selling this shiny garchomp!! i think its the best jolly one in silver server!! plz correct me if i am wrong

    its not an auction

    am interest mostly in money! but if someone want to offer money + something else to reach the amount then i am open to offers too

    Insta price 30m

    thank you very much for your time to read my post


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  5. Hi @sarks


    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

    I would like to inform you that, to my knowledge, the S Pen should emulate the fingers touch and therefore should not cause any issue with the game.

    Also, recently our Developers should have improved that way of input as well. Could you please tell me if you cannot totally use that or if sometimes it works but you find it difficult to use it?


    Looking forward to your reply, have a wonderful day !



    hello and thank you very much for your time to answer me! well i donwloaded today the newest client for android and still doesnt work at all!! i click on options allow controller( because maybe it would gave me allow to use it ) but still nothing doesnt work at all!! i have to say that in the past i had note 3 and still didnt work! now with the note 9 i guessed that it should work but still nothing!! i checked on internet generally for other games too if they work with s pen but i saw that to use s pen its only work of dev to allow it!! so is this true ? or its just cant be used in anygame?? am sorry for my bad english!! again thank you very much for your time!!

  6. hello!! idk if this post is in the right section of forum!! so if not am sorry for that but i didnt know where to post it!


    so i have samsung galaxy note 9 and i try to play the game with s pen! but it doesnt work on the game!!! do i have to do anything so it will work ??

    thank you very much for your time to answer me!! :D

  7. hello!! idk if this post is in the right section of forum!! so if not am sorry for that but i didnt know where to post it!


    so i have samsung galaxy note 9 and i try to play the game with s pen! but it doesnt work on the game!!! do i have to do anything so it will work ??

    thank you very much for your time to answer me!! :D

  8. Hi there, @sarks


    I am sorry for the inconvenience you are experiencing. To address your issue down below I have a few possible ways that a Magnezone could have out sped your Salamence


    1. Trickroom:

    With that being said, Is it possible that the move trick room was active? Since Magnezone is slower than your Salamence, Trickroom would allow it to go first while active.


    2. Quick Claw:

    Quick Claw allows pokemon to occasionally move first. This is what possibly could have let Magnezone out speed your Salamence.



    I hope this helps! There wasn't a video so I am looking forward to further clarification from you :)


    Kindest Regards, Juliph


    hello!! thank you very much for your time to answer me!! there wasnt any trick room 100% !! and i dont know about quick claw!!! i will try to find more examples in the next battles!! and i will try to post some ss if anything else atk faster!!!

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  9. hello!!! have a good year!!


    i have to ask if the choise scarf is bugged!!! for me works only for one turn!! and after that no!!! i dont have any evidence cause i dont know how to rec a video in my pc!!! but i have to tell you that my sala had choise scarf!!! and a magnezone atk first than my sala!!! well thats kinda imposible tho!!! cause max spd of a timid magnezone its 240!! and my sala has more!!! i didnt had any effect like paralyzed! or spider web!! it just atk faster!!! i will try to see more examples if anything else happen and i will inform you!!! thanks for your time!!!


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