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Posts posted by Sarks

  1. . and sarks he did start auction after your bid.....



    when i saw to post here! he was saying! i will start an auction after a nice offer will be made!


    riy had the first offer of 15m,

    i offer 17m


    he start an auction 1 day after my post!! cause he wasnt online! when he saw my offer he start it!


    1 more day past and after that he change the insta!!


    everyone had 48 hours atleast to pm him and say that he is interest!!!



    also dark you said you know 3 peoples that would had do that insta! where is their offers??? 48 hours and the bo i saw was 17m!!!




    you said you was going to sell you pokes!!! did you inform the seller ??


    guys its simple!! his poke!!! his price!!! his insta!!! his rules!!!



    if so many people are upset here then why noone pm him and tell him that he is interest ???? or why noone make atleast a 17.1m offer lol!! 48 hours past!! and now you want me him banned ??? why ?? because he has his rules ??? in his poke?? in his auction ?? lol

  2. Screenshot of the 40m trade please. Otherwise it’s not insta and reportable because of fake selling.



    It wasnt fake selling!!! I bought it!! And why to report him exactly?? It was his poke his auction his insta his price!! The insta price was 40m! He can change it!! And i bought it!!


    You was interest in his poke?? Weird cause i didnt see any pm of you...


    You was waiting to offer in the last time and take it as cheap as poasible?? Too bad you should had.offer from the start and show to the buyer that you are interest!!!


    The buyer saw that noone was offering!! He had the poke without auction for 24 hours!! Only 2 offers..


    He start the auction for another 24 hours. Same old offers nothing new.

    So he change his insta and his.price!! And sold it insta!!!

    He can do that!!

    Why to report a guy of selling his own poke? And he has his own rules!!!

  3. Hello


    I level up my riolu in the morning to level 100! I need it to be 2 levels down if its possible plz!! Or else 1 level


    Ign sarks


    Server silver


    Id. 7315600


    Plz make my riolu one level down



    I need to evolve riolu between 10 am to 8 pm right:ChikoritaWTF:


    You must evolve Riolu with max happiness during daytime: 6am to 6pm
  4. Hello guys!!! I am taking offers on my sala!!

    I am looking mostly on money! But i know the current state of server so i accept other shinies too.


    Starting price : 30m




    Its not an auction. And i am not in rush to sell it!


    Thank you everyone for your time to see my thread!! :)



  5. hello!!! i have one question!!


    is there any npc that informs you about the evolution you need ??


    for example!! in my pokedex it shows that i have pichu i have pikachu and raichu!


    but i never evolved pichu to raichu!! so is there any npc that will inform me which pokemon i need to evo so i complete my evos data in pokedex ??


    thank you so much for you time to see my topic!!

  6. i think i get it!!! and its great news!!!! cause i have spend too much time and money to reach where i am now!!!


    i will try to explain it!!


    in my dex it shows now that i have pikachu and raichu! i didnt evolve my pikachu to raichu!! i only get them both of them only by trading with another person!


    so now if i get a pichu and evolve it on my own to raichu i will still get on my dex +2 evos but my seen and owned data will remain the same because i already own pikachu and raichu! is that right??


    am sorry for my bad english!!


    thank you both guys to answer on my question and for your time you spend on my topic!!

  7. hello! i think only a stuff should know to answer me that. i started to complete my evo info of pokedex so i can go get latios/latias.


    i made some calculatios and saw that if i complete all the pokemon in pokedex that has evo, i will have max 261 evos.


    that will happen because in the past years i get dex service from other players to complete kanto and johto dex!


    this has as a result that i will have lower than 344 evo in my dex!

    so that means i can never get latios/latias ??? (because even with full pokedex i will have 261 evo)

    or is something else i can do ??? is there any possibility for me to get those legendaries ?


    thank you very much for your time to look in my question.

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