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About Alexsage

  • Birthday 05/31/1991

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. I know the trade has been separated but since nothing carried over maybe just make two categories for all the in game(other general and suggestions obviously since they won't matter what server you're on) related stuff. So that would be guilds, tournaments and trade obviously. Just to prevent as much confusion as possible.
  2. Best guess is sometime this week hopefully(so nothing is for sure).
  3. https://pokemon-revolution.wikia.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Revolution_Online_Wikia Can contribute to the wiki I guess.
  4. To my understanding the only thing to transfer is membership bought through the site. So no mounts/coins/hats/etc.
  5. I think the staff really need to put a stickied FAQ regarding the new server up. Things I've gathered. 1. Servers are separate and your character won't carry over(only thing that does is your account and membership(if bought with irl money). 1.1 So what about things like mounts and stuff do we have to buy them again? 1.2 Will the servers eventually be merged and if so any idea how? 2. It will hopefully be here in a week. 3. You say it's meant to be for new players mainly does that mean it will be the default selected server(because if not I doubt it will really help in this area)? 4. What will the limits be on each server (1500?)? 5. I'm sure there are things and questions I missed.
  6. Personally I would be server before updates but I'm not staff :P. But, there are also probably less people who can actually work on the server it self than there are that can work on content so it's not like both can't be done. I don't know if another separate server is the answer though. It's not like being late hurts you in pokemon. The level 100 limit isn't going to change, rates aren't going to change, there is no real advantage to everyone starting over.
  7. What is the texture pack? OR you would like to be able to change the texture pack?
  8. Alexsage


    And 100 hours games time.
  9. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/search.php?search_id=newposts Should list any new posts since your last visit.
  10. Just a heads up we can't read that thread WarGreymon.
  11. Day night cycle is a good one but I would say 4 or 8 as 6 would keep it the same if you login at the same time everyday unless you login before the change and out after.
  12. Just in case I ever take a break in the middle of a quest :P.
  13. Or, we could just no have breading and not have the daily post of people asking why they can't trade x pokemon.
  14. It should be but it's normally empty. Feel free to invite friends and use it for other games as well.
  15. I think Prestentious is probably correct after reading his comment.
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