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Everything posted by Fumesec

  1. On a le chat French dans le jeu que vous pouvez ajoutez sur la clef a molette en bas a droite. Ecrivez simplement French. FRENCH DISCORD: https://discord.gg/gVucBZz évents, salons vocaux, chasse au pokémon en groupe, conseils etc! :)
  2. Hi, I have Flareon 27+ ivs, hybrid nature. An epic Jolteon hp ice, timid. And Umbreon Epic. Pm me ingame if interested im Fumesec
  3. I can't open that thing, pm me on discord the pokes please
  4. People can still offer but since the auction is supposed to be over and I had no bids.. come pm in game :)
  5. Hey, I dont know of you know me really well ^^ but in case you want your fortune to be managed well and shared with some future players I would be glad to take 1 of your pvp pokie. thanks and good luck woth ur real life projects <3
  6. The auction's time if alrdy finished since a day or so. I am just gonna let 1st go for 800k & 2nd for 900k. Seems fair to me
  7. 500k for this is like nothing guys :/
  8. Runnin' up a check with no limit esskeetit esskeetit 1.3m
  9. Thanks you my love <3 - auction ends in 24h -
  10. Hello Pokémon trainers = ) start bid @ 500k each insta 1M (Insta maybe negociable) (minimum increase of 100k) I keep the right to accept or denny a final offer. Insta = insta
  11. Congrats. Sold to ferric
  12. Some hours left - average iv 26+ . HP FIRE -
  13. As u have seen I had miswritten the title, I of course meant 22+. Apologies <3 Auction can continue if it hasn't been ruined ^^
  14. MAGNEZONE HP FIRE START OFFERS @ 1M INSTA = 2.5M 48H FROM NOW IS END OF AUCTION ENJOY =D I keep the right to accept or denny a final offer. insta = insta
  15. END OF AUCTION NOT SOLD - pm me if further interest. Fumesec#0918
  16. Epic scizor --
  17. ty @Kirokyu who offers 1.2m
  18. I bid 1.9m
  19. SCIZOR AVERAGE IV 26+ START OFFERS @ 1M INSTA = 2.4M 48H FROM NOW IS END OF AUCTION ENJOY =D I keep the right to accept or denny a final offer - INSTA = INSTA Minimum add - 100k
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