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Everything posted by Rivaille

  1. What sense have a Ash greninja in Halloween? :Crazy: Ashes greninja is a special greninja with limited availability I Know but... what is the relation between Ashes greninja and Halloween? :Question:
  2. What sense have a Ash greninja in Halloween? :Crazy:
  3. Lol i Dont want make a suggestion, this is only a Leisure thread. I prefer move this thread to Artist forum. :confused: PD: Now i like the idea. Dont move. :Crazy:
  4. I thinks is a good idea posting Recoloured PkMn as ¨Halloween form¨ because Halloween is coming. For Example, Parasect Zombie. Clefable ¨gengar style¨(Based in Clefable /gengar Theory) And reverse... Hypno? Green's Raticate(CreepyPaste Reference) Dark Infernape Do you another idea for a ¨Halloween Skin¨ for a PkMn? Pls Post your recolored PkMn.
  5. I like the idea but kinda dislike that random starter thing, it is quite easy to get starters anyway Do you have a better idea for Rewards? :Exclam:
  6. I dont have a good imagination for the rewards. :confused:
  7. Hello guys. Everyone know after the kanto league, Johto League and Hoenn League is very easy because you have many pokemon lv80+. I Thinks that a good idea is make a optional mode for Pokemon League in All region call ¨Extreme mode¨ You can access only after beat the Pokemon league one time and you will can fight again Elite 4 but this have Pokemon Lv120 and little change. For example: Kanto League Extreme mode. Lorelei (Boss team) Bruno(Boss Team) Agatha (Same team Elite 4) Lance( Dragonite, Haxorus, Salamence, Flygon, Hydreigon,Mega-Garchomp) Champion: Red MegaCharizard X, Snorlax, Venasaur, Blastoise, Pikachu, Mewtwo. Johto League Extreme Mode. Will(Same team Elite 4) Koga (Same team Elite 4) Bruno(Same team Johto Elite 4) Karen(Same team Elite 4) Champion: Silver(Pokemon stadium 2 reference) Weavile, Rhyperior,Honchkrow,Kingdra,Ho-oh, Mega-Gyarados Shiny. Hoenn League Extreme Mode . Sidney(Same team Elite 4) Phoebe(Same team Elite 4) Glacia(Same team Elite 4) Drake(Same team Elite 4) Champion: Wallace Walrein,Mitolic, Swampert, Ludicolo,Starmie, Primal Kyogre. -- Prize for beat Pokemon league in extreme mode. Kanto: 40K-100K Money + random Kanto starter. Johto: 40K-100K Money + random Johto starter. Hoenn: 40K-100K Money + random Hoenn starter. Cooldown: 3 weeks or 1 Month.
  8. [glow=blue]Blastoise[/glow] [glow=green]Venusaur[/glow] -If you have screenshot like the previous image. pls post it- [glow=red]Charizard[/glow] -If you have screenshot like the previous image. pls post it- * Guys. Please post screenshots of others clone Pkmn.(Overworld sprite and battle)
  9. Re: Sell Epic Timburr <t>Instant changed.</t>
  10. Time Left: 2 Days. (Finish: Aug 13 1:00 pm) Bo: -- Instant: 850K
  11. Instant Added
  12. Time: 3 Days.(Finish Jul 31, 2016 8:15 pm) BO: -- Instant: 500K
  13. When you first download the game the default server is the Yellow server. When you select a server it should remember which server you chose. New client is available?
  14. Only have one problem with the new server. why not become the first option for enter? New player will try enter in Red Server and the problem will same. Future: Blue and Red increase number of player per day more that yellow server.
  15. New server. This is big chance for put this as first option.
  16. Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest <r><QUOTE author="youraxx27"><s> </e></QUOTE> ill try 20 hrs later.. yes i confirm the 21 hrs and thanks to you<e> </e></QUOTE> I see the main post say 20hr. You try with 19hr?</r>
  17. I add a edit picture in the main post. Left: Items can create. RIGhT: Items that you need can create another one. Abouta the ¨25/5¨ 25 is the number of the same item that you have, 5 is the number of items you need for create another one.
  18. Thank you so much! Only have a question.. ¨Special Crystal¨ have the same system that Hoenn Excavations?
  19. Because is Sunday? (Too Holidays for a lot of countrys) I talk about a ¨normal day¨ in PRO. --- Oh guys, i need repeat that New player choose the first Option for start the game? You only need see the help chat and All, Red player have more new players that blue server for this reason.
  20. That's the reason. This is a insignificant change that can help with the problem.(In my opiniong help a lot with new players) Red Server Players will only change the server in ¨Select server¨. If PRO add other server, for example ¨Green Server¨, this will become the Default server.(First option in the list) Server with less number of player must the first option for select, this is good for a best balance.
  21. Hello everyone! I have 2 suggestion for the problem of have ¨Useless¨ items or a lot of items.(900 Fresh water and 500 Oran berries for example) 2 Suggestions is for the same problem.(Only need 1 of 2 suggestion) [glow=red]Crafting System.[/glow] The crafting system is very simple, you can create using others!! All region have 1 ¨Crafting House¨ for this. This can have 1 Witch or Many Npcs for type of items(a Old lady for Heal items, a scientific for Battle Items, etc) For example: Heal items: 5 Sitrus Berry + 5 Oran Berry = Energy Powder Super Potion + 5 sitrut berry= Hyper Potion Battle items. 5 Fresh water + 1 Hard Stone = Mystic Water. 5 Black Sludge + 1 Smoke Ball= 1 Toxic Orb. 5 Metal Coat + 1 Smoke Ball= 1 Iron Ball Other items 1 Moomoo Milk + 20 leppa Berries = 1 Rare Candy. *This can useful for many quests or future events. (Create a Special halloween headgear with event items for example ) Interface (Remember that this is only a example) [glow=Blue]Special Merchant[/glow] Special Merchant is very similar, this can exchange items for others.(Like the same) NPCs as Item maniac but this exchange your items for others! Example: Nature Lover: Exchange your berries for other ¨nature items¨ 20 oran berry for a 1 Mystic water, 20 Cheri Berries for a Miracle seed, etc. BodyBuilder: Exchange your vitamins for other a Random item.
  22. Read the first post. Time: 3 Day(Finish Jul 16, 2016 8:57 pm) __ Houndour traded for 100k.
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