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Everything posted by Akastuki42000

  1. Great ! Thank you Thor :)
  2. Ah ok. Thank you.
  3. Hi, I got 380 hours, 2 water types (blastoise and barbaracle), 2 fighting types (lucario and heracross), 2 dark types (umbreon and bisharp) all level 100 and I can't fight Greinjack. When I speak to him, he asks me to choose between "cooldown time" and 'consecutive wins". If I choose cooldown time, he says : "I haven't finish this artwork. Come back in 0 minutes maybe, I should be done by then". I have never battled Greinjack before. Is it normal ? Is there another requirement I don't know ? Thank you for reading akastuki42000
  4. Hi, I can't fight officer jenny boss. She tells me "I don't think you are quite ready to face me. Come back when you are more mature". What are the requirements to fight her ?
  5. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Boss Cooldown Checker 13/11/16] <t>just got volt switch from sturge, its not on the list.</t>
  6. My goal is to collect all my favorite shinies, and to complete the pokedex. I'd like to play PVP too but I don't have a team for the moment ^^
  7. Articuno !! I really like his design and ice type is my favorite, even if not very useful in strategy...
  8. I chose the shiny one ^^
  9. Re: Doctor Pokemon Quest [uPDATED] September <t>Hi,<br/> I am trying to heal a wynaut in Hoenn and the lady asks me to bring back herb powder x2. Where can I find herb powder in Hoenn ? Do I have to return to Jotho for this ?</t>
  10. +1, that's a very good idea ! Yes, I like the idea of new areas ! Orange islands could be an exemple !
  11. Nice update, thanks :Smile:
  12. how much for shiny smogo and gyarados ? Is it possible to view their ivs and natures ?
  13. Haha, same thing for me yesterday :Smile:
  14. I think its better to hunt ralt at love island. In one hour, I met two ralts, and in two hours in route 102, none.
  15. Re: HALLOWEEN? <t>There are new headbutt trees in Mauville too, but I didn't get anything there, only a woobat and green candies in rustboro.</t>
  16. You got a pick axe ? If you don't, you cannot get anyting from the shiny stones.
  17. Hello, I think there is problem with the move pursuit. I was fighting a NPC trainer. I changed my poke to another, and his umbreon (I think it was an umbreon) uses pursuit on my second poke when he should have attacked the first one with a bonus damage. I apologize if the move is not coded yet or if you know about this problem already.
  18. Re: BlueMYSTIC is now recruiting new members(BLUE SERVER) <t>Hi, I have about 220 hours ingame. Your guild looks great and I would like to join it if you may.<br/> My name ingame is Akastuki42000, just like here.</t>
  19. They are for the quest, if you choose to help team aqua. You will be given an item that you must take into a particular stone. The stone is one of these blue stones. The other ones are lures. If you pick up the wrong stone, a wild pokemon (uncatchable I think) will appear. You must defeat the poke then and try another one.
  20. Does someone know what rare pokemons can be found in Kalijodo lake ?
  21. Hello I don't know if it's the good place to ask this question but I'm new here and I don't know where to go. When I log in, my character appear in a building. I go downstair and there is a door, supposed to lead me out. I cannot pass this door and I would like to know if it is a bug. I don't even have my first pokemon ! When I try to interact with something, I become stucked and I cant do anything but leaving the game. And no way to leave the first building and to visit the rest of the game. Is it a bug with my version of the game ? Friendly akastuki4200
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