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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Hi! I have many doubts about suicune. I beat the boss, but suicune doesnt appear. Isn't 100% guaranteed his apperance? I have to win again the boss in 11 days? And when it appear, Can I quit from that zone, go to the city and pick a poke with Syncro? Or Sucuine will desappear if I do this?
  2. last year prizes... T.T
  3. Well, it is not true. My CD on Arnie expired 3 days ago and I still can't fight him. So it's over 2 weeks now and I still see the message that there is 0 hours till next battle. It is bugged as well as other consecutive-rewarded bosses probably. Thor edited the script of all bosses recently, so the cooldown timer would start again from 0 from that day. So you have to wait for the full cooldown as from the edit date. But...when you talk with the NPC says the number of hours in negative, so it dont decrease, increases. Never will be 0, this morning was -26 hours and now is -31 hours, never ending. We have to don't listen NPCS dialog¿
  4. Hi, Unknown007 answered this: But...when you talk with the NPC says the number of hours in negative, so it dont decrease, increases.
  5. Hi! I have a problem, bosses has negative time. Yesterday pumpkin for example says that i need 2 hours more to battle with it, but today says i need -23 (WTF) hours...other bosses has the same problem. All problems become when you implemented Cooldown npc.. Thanks!
  6. Try again today, i has the same problem with Oak, Wargreymon and others and today it works.
  7. Arnie is the same for me.. other than that I havent met another npc with the same problem so far. I think it has been corrected.
  8. Since yesterday some bosses says that i have to return in 0 hours, Wargreymon, Oak and i think that in Johto there are some more. Boss checker says that i can't rebattle that bosses but when I talk to them says "Return in 0 hours" and has been passed 2 weeks.
  9. Wargreymon says me "Return in 0 hours", Oak too.
  10. El servidor puede pero el creador creo que es australiano, no me hagas mucho caso. A ver de poder hacerse, se puede, pero el ingles es muy muy basico, antes les interesa meter mucho más cosas.
  11. Like you, i can't play since yesterday.
  12. Hi!. I have a problem, i can't login in my account cause it says that im logged in. Im afraid that someone entered in my account...Can you check it?
  13. Version 95_45 out.
  14. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEED INFORMATION BOSS DEADPOOL and MESTREPOKEMON in LAVENDERTOWN!!] <r><QUOTE author="RektSon"><s> </e></QUOTE> <SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER><e> </e></QUOTE> I have got 6 pokes level 100 and they dont let me enter... maybe is flr hoenn hours, I only have 34</r>
  15. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEED INFORMATION BOSS DEADPOOL and MESTREPOKEMON in LAVENDERTOWN!!] <r><QUOTE author="Coop33"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> Im Hoenn champion and I have latios, latias, rayquaza, deoxys, jirachi and regis data.</r>
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