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Everything posted by Aienma

  1. [glow=red]start price 1m[/glow] :Angel: all this type/moves are effective against grass type sold :Angel:
  2. tree's headbutt ?? daycare quest ?? excavation ?? dig ?? thank your for whoever help :Angel:
  3. start price 1m
  4. 1.1m :Angel:
  5. Aienma


    please code [glow=red]head smash[/glow] for sudowoodo :Angel:
  6. please add pre-evo moves to [glow=red]move relearner[/glow] or [glow=red]egg moves daycare[/glow] if not... maybe you can make npc exclusive for pre-evo moves !! i really think this can help a lot of player...... please make this happen :Smile: ty very much :Heart:
  7. Aienma

    Shadow Tag Voting

    if shadow tag get banned ... then its only fair to ban bisharp :Cool: i vote NO :Shy:
  8. 2,2m gengar... weird that this guy has no exp star... its like the account just made to disrupt :Nervous: oh well that's life.. :Angel:
  9. do i get the gengar ? pm me in-game if i did :Angel:
  10. bump :Angel:
  11. start gengar :Angel:
  12. start price 250k
  13. start price 1.5m
  14. start price : 1m
  15. please add previous evolution moves to re-learn npc..... it will really help a lot of player .. especially when buying pokes.. that cant learn pre-evo moves :Angel: :Angel: :Angel:
  16. :Question:
  17. Re: wts bulbasaur modest/h.a <r>sold <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  18. Re: wts bulbasaur modest/h.a <r>up <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  19. Re: wts bulbasaur modest/h.a <r>up <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  20. [glow=red]start price : 1m[/glow] insta : 3m :Smile: if i dont like the current offer i have the right not to sell :Angel:
  21. i only play 3 games straight .. i won the 1st 2 games.. but i lose the 3rd game to demz1328 from 2-0 it becomes 2-2... i did not expect this to happen so i dont have the screen shot of 2-0... please help me :Frown:
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