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Everything posted by Aienma

  1. Username : aienma Server : silver Country/timezone : philippines/gmt+8
  2. 25m I'm poor sir
  3. S.o 250k Min. Bid 50k insta 1.5m 48hrs. Auction Auction will start with the 1st bid
  4. Auction officially over the winner is rekudorox with 2m bid.. I'll post the trade within 24hrs. Ty everyone for participating
  5. 200k min. Bid sir
  6. 4hrs 50min. Left
  7. Noted bruh can you login i wanna add you ingame... Tyvm
  8. C.o 1.7m by livkits15 11hrs. 35min.left
  9. 23hrs. 31min. Left
  10. 36hrs. 9min. Left
  11. C.o 900k by rekudorox
  12. C.o 700k by thaguu
  13. Noted auction officially started
  14. S.O : 500k Min bid : 200k Insta : 3m 72hrs auction Auction will start with 1st bid
  15. Ign : aienma Server : silver I want all my flex to be ot but my favorite poke is beedril so i have to add him enjoy
  16. Player name : aienma Server : silver Timezone (in gmt) : +8
  17. I lost my interest after I got outbid.. I actually plan to buy a pinsir.. Can i cancel my bid? For this reason.. @Hawluchaa
  18. I like the random pvp I think it's gonna be fun.. But I disagree with the reward system it's not worth it.. Maybe give the #1 rank a reward like 150 pvp... But beside that should just be about bragging rights I mean also give #1 a logo ingame yknow like the ladder #1 when he type on chat he got a crown next to his name.. This is more than enough..
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