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Everything posted by Yhelpabs

  1. Good offer = Deal trade
  2. I I'll be on vermilion after a few minutes. Message me ingame
  3. Im in vermi bro. You won
  4. 500k by Trangangel
  5. BUMP ( 45 mins left )
  6. BUMP (5hrs 15mins left)
  7. Insta added
  8. Sorry but the current offer is already 400k
  9. 400k by Frizppy
  10. BUMP
  11. Start 300k by Yasashwi200 (24hrs left)
  12. Starting Price: 300k Minimum raise: 100k Duration: 24hrs after first offer Instant Price: 2m Payment option: 1. Cash 2. CC =350k 3. Nat Reroll = 350k 4. IV Reroll = 700k
  13. Starting Price: 500k Minimum Raise: 100k Duration: 24hrs after first bid Payment options: 1. Cash 2. CC = 380k 3. Nat Reroll = 300k 4. IV Reroll = 700k
  14. @Hawluchaa , the winner always go offline when i message him in game? what to do? can i give the poke to the next highest bidder or the auction invalids?
  15. Hey bro, why are you always offline?
  16. Yes bro. Meet me in game
  17. 1hr left. Note: Auction rule on last 15 minutes applies in this post
  18. BUMP (5hrs left)
  19. 1.6m co Gentlemen
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