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Everything posted by Ferretsk8ter

  1. *UPDATED* Selling Epic volcarona(s) now 100coins =480k 30 day membership= 450k 15 day membership = 230k Taking offer's now will trade ONLY for epic Impish/careful Hippo (Sand stream) or adament excadrill (Sand rush)
  2. I use Cerulean cave, It's a little better exp then Dragon's den but you have to do part of the mew quest to unlock it
  3. Epic PVP volcarona 1 timid/fame body 1.5m Epic PVP volcarona 2 timid/flame body 800k A defensive tank Skarmory Moveset: Spikes, Stealth rock, roost, whirlwind 250k
  4. Re: wts EPIC hippopotas <r><QUOTE author="RAV3N" post_id="442190" time="1505349969" user_id="403483"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ign: Ghostmaster<br/> Timezone: Eastern standard Time United States<br/> <br/> I will most likley be on by 12pm noon tomorrow (14 hours from this message)</r>
  5. Re: wts EPIC hippopotas <t>Is he already sold?</t>
  6. looking for Exadrill Ability: sand rush Nature: Adamant speed Hp and attack 29+ Hippowdon Ability: Sand Stream Nature: Impish/careful most IV 25+ Post picture of poke + selling price
  7. Re: wts epic Volcarona pvp ready <t>accepting items and offer's</t>
  8. Re: wts epic Volcarona pvp ready <t>bump!</t>
  9. Selling my epic pvp Volcarona I payed 1.5m for, just doesnt fit my team right. 1.5m or best offer . First come first serve! Sold in game to Frelon for 1.2m auction closed
  10. 300k ~ Ghostmaster
  11. Re: wts EPIC hippopotas <t>300k ^.^</t>
  12. Paying good money Depending on IV's and proper abilities ! Volcarona: Timid Flame body IV most 25+ Mandibuzz: careful/impish Overcoat IV most 25+ Talonflame: Adament Gale wings IV most 25+
  13. If it was Infiltrator I would have snagged it up in a heartbeat :((
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