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Everything posted by Phcuong184

  1. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <t>Merry Christmas PRO!<br/> 184<br/> I really love this game, good luck all ^_^ Pick up the fun</t>
  2. PRO Username: phcuong184 Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? I am in Love Island and Carry 6 pokemons already. I found Wild Ralts and used utral balls to catch it once time full HP and it is success. Then the battle end and after 5 seconds it's timeout Then 2 or 3 mins later i login back, go to Pokecenter, and don't see my Ralts in PC It's just already happend. Plz help me What have you already tried to solve the problem? Try anything, please make my Ralts backs. Thanks alot Description and Message
  3. Wish you luck ^_^
  4. @Shane: please if u could roll back my Staravia to lv 99 or could make my Staravia to Staraptor, i would be greatful, thankful you Please help me. I really like Staraptor
  5. I closed cilent and relog This battle disappeard and my Staravia went to lv 100 and can't evol I really really love this pokemon and very hard to hunt it. Could GM rollback my Staravia to lv 99 :(( Please help me :((
  6. My english is not good T_T I am trainning my Staravia end it's already 99% exp and will evol to Stararaptor after this. But i got lag in game and i don't go well T_T What should i do now? It's already got lv 100 but the battle don't end? How can i evol? Should i close the cilent ang relog it?
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