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About Madhatterabi

  • Birthday 11/11/1993

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. If he fled - you don't have enough discoveries. If he does not appear - there is a high chance he should appear in different poke time.
  2. Some Poke are time dependent, I think Golett is after midnight till 13:00 The same goes for Feral site where Absol, Cubone, Zangoose and Mawile appear after midnight till 13:00, while Noibat, Pawniard, Houndour and Torkoal are there from 13:00 till midnight.
  3. I found nothing as well :Frown:
  4. It's just REALLY hard to believe. Of all things you have to do... you make Pinkan Island around time of red/pink colour of the year. In theory, you started new island when you have some of Halloween one done. It was just too big a coincidence, but if it is really not connected, then I apologize. It's obvious that bad and negative feedback works terribly in a motivation process, but in those moments of doubt remember that there are people who are extremely grateful for your work. I don't need any physical thanks (giveaways or whatsnot), just try to keep the work you are doing, try to update us with news etc. The greatest "thanks" we can get from you, are just detailed announcements, infos about new things, updates of your progress etc.
  5. In the whole thread there are like, 3 or 4 people complaining and 15 or more thanking and appreciating your work. There ALWAYS will be some complaints (but mind you, those people mostly are not offending the team, they just show some consequences of that weekly pass). I know it's hard but sometimes you need to see the good responses because lately I got the feeling that you are ignoring the ones who are appreciating you and focus only on those who complain (and those are the minority). We, as players, really see that you work hard and you need to divide your time between your life and game, but... treat us fairly, would you? Be honest. There is no Valentine Day? Okay, sorry guys it was to be (I don't believe the explanation that it was not to be implemented, sorry, there is too huge coincidence with pink Poke and Valentine), but we will work hard and give you Pinkan Island soon. And we get it, we will wait. Here, people say some things about weekly pass? Take their opinion into consideration (as you did with suggesting money sink later in the future) and thanks those who are happy with the pass. I will highlight it just in case, my comment was written not to offend anyone. I'm just sharing my opinion connected with few things lately. I like the idea of the weekly pass, because I travel a lot, that's all.
  6. Yes, I perfectly understand that. That's why you guys made a little mistake with that Sinnoh announcement, because you got people hyped for no reason (not me, I don't care, but there will be some players complaining as always). I just hope we don't have to wait too long for that Pinkan Island (you all made us hype for it almost two weeks ago, not to mention dead Halloween Island for which I'm still hyped). We (I at least) appreciate your hard work with new content (new bosses were good idea) so keep it up :Smile: Yeah I know that there are ppl like that, I just thought I sounded mean or sth xD
  7. Hmm... I'm doing it in a polite way? I see no problem? I'm not raging, I'm just disappointed a little bit, because I saw so many good changes lately and I was hyped for new event. We can only wait now.
  8. That's actually... a little sad. I thought Pinkan Island will be connected with Valentines Day... so now, we have no idea when the new island will come, right?
  9. I got a fossil when I was around 4.9k discoveries (I'm sure I was before 5k, because I hit 5k at the end of my exca routine, and I got fossil sometime in the middle of it).
  10. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 05/02/2017] <r>Sage gives additional Eevee<br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/oR9IL0u.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  11. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 05/02/2017] <r><E>:thanks:</E> for updating this guide, great job! If I fight with the missing ones, I will post the consecutive rewards as well <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  12. Alright, thanks! To stay on topic, for people who, like me, does not have a lot of discoveries: Absol appears around 3.2k @ Feral Site Ferroseed around 4k @ Natural Site Timburr around 4k @ Historical Site Beldum around 4.2k @ Mineral Site. Golett around 3.5k-4k @ Haunted Site. Bergmite only in shiny rock, so normal way probably over 4.5k or more @ Glacial Site. All fossils so far are smashed, I have ms. Things like Mushrooms, Pearls etc, found only Tiny Mushrooms once.
  13. About that, how Riolu was previously caught in the pillars? I mean, in Historical site you smash parts of pillars, but I guess there was some other way to get him?
  14. I have around 3.5k discoveries and I saw him fled few times, not yet caught.
  15. I have only 2.7-2.8k discoveries (active ms), but maybe it will be useful for someone: NATURAL- Route 119A - Cacnea, Nincada, Shroomish, Skorupi (Fled = Ferroseed) GLACIAL - Route 10 - Wailmer, Spheal, Clauncher, items: Rare Candy, Fresh Water (Fled = Bergmite) FERAL - Fiery Path - Cubone, Zangoose, Houndour items: Repel, Escape Rope (Fled = Mawile, Absol, Noibat, some fossil smashed) HISTORICAL- desert - Makuhita, Throh, Sawk, Tyrogue, items: Ultra Ball, HAUNTED - Rusturf Tunnel - Duskull, Shuppet, items: Escape Rope, Repel, Rare Candy, MINERAL - Route 115 - Nosepass, Onix, Drilbur, Aron, items: Fresh Water, Escape Rope, (Fled = Beldum)
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