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  1. I said 600k bcoz the other one said 550k and the seller said 100k per bid so the 550k bid is not valid or counted bcoz he/she bid only 50k but nvm. Thx
  2. Username: WodanYmir Server: Silver
  3. 600k for Klefki
  4. Application 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? = Wodanymir 2. Number of hours played? = 828Hr 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? = I have 2 the one is legendary Mewtwo and Sandshrew 4. How old are you? = 23 5. When's your Birthday? (Optional) = Aug 29
  5. In-game name: WodanYmir Server: Silver Pokemon ID: 4290950 I accidentally evolve my Female Snorunt to Glalie i didn't know Snorunt has a two different ways to evolve him by leveling him and by giving him a Dawn Stone to evolve him to Froslass can u deleveled my Glalie and turn it again to Snorunt? So i can evolve him to Froslass is that's possible? Pls pls help me :(
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