^ Oops. lol.
Right, debate.
A wise man once said:
It's began...
Cancer is spreading.
That quote is a pretty accurate prediction of what is about to happen to PvP.
Now then, we are going around in circles here on this debate and a decision needs to be made for the future of Ranked PvP, so for PRO Staff, please consider:
Suspect - Shadow Tag Ability.
Currently, we are allowing an ability to be used that has been banned in competitive play (and still IS banned) for THIRTEEN years now.
Now why would that be?
It's classed Uber on Smogon/Pokemon Showdown (formerly Shoddy Battle), Serebii, Azurriland (formerly Marriland) and I imagine most other competitive sites.
Have all these people stayed insane over such a wide span of time to ban this ability?
In this thread, thus far, 2 RANKED PvP owners of a Shadow Tag Gothitelle (tr3y and irafayel) confirm it's over-powered, unbalancing, uncompetitive nature.
1 RANKED owner (Bong2015) refuses to use a Shadow Tag Gothitelle due to aforementioned reasons.
As for my stance on this, if I was the only person with a Shadow Tag Gothitelle on ranked PvP - I would not lose #1 Rank, ever. Bold statement? That is the over-powered nature of a potent, uber Shadow Tag Pokemon. (If Staff require examples/scenarios, I'd be happy to do it over PMs, with recorded battles from ranked PvP).
But of course Shadow Tag Gothitelle is potentially obtainable by all, so now more and more people will want one for their own teams because they've witnessed the impact it makes from battling against me... Both servers right now have 2000+ players? How many Shadow Tag Gothitelles will circulate in a week? 2 weeks? A month? 2 months?...
Which will lead to:
Side note: I keep quoting FatManClt because, firstly he cannot be more correct and also because he's tried to act in the best interest for the future of PvP, instead he's been ridiculed and laughed at.
In conclusion, Shadow Tag ability needs to be banned. :y: