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Everything posted by Heycavalier

  1. This sounds pretty awesome as well! Nice one <3
  2. lmao all those trolls can u just stop lol he might be a newbie...
  3. Let me clear myself, and my point. What i was saying, is, that those Time Attack bosses will share the existing boss rewards. For example Erika. Let's say you beat her under 30 seconds which awards you the Larvesta pokemon. Beating her every two weeks under 30 seconds guarantees a Larvesta which could possibly earn huge amounts of money to the person who gets to beat the objective THAT fast. And it's not gonna be just 1 person. In a way this could mean the market gets ruined by the flooding or rare/epic pokes. So my suggestion to this was that IF someone completes the hardest possible time, they get the "ultimate" reward, but then they cannot earn it again consequtively. So this means they could earn it the first time, but then they'd have to earn it again the THIRD time they get to battle the boss again (and only if they make the "best" time). Kinda like a balancing factor. Not sure if this makes it more understandable, let me know if u still don't get it :c
  4. Had this weird idea as i was taking down some bosses earlier. Since i was little i remember some Time Attack modes in various games. The purpose was to defeat the boss/opponent as fast as you could and you earned a better reward depending on your total time. I'm not sure if this is a good sugestion for the PRO bosses but i'd like to hear your thoughts on this suggestion. The way i imagine it: Let's say we have 10 possible rewards for defeating (insert boss name here). Instead of relying on the RNG gods to get a good reward, we could build up strategies to take the boss down ASAP and have a chance at a better drop, even the pokemon we've been trying to get all along. "But dude, if we get pokemon drops all the time the market bla bla" Yeah i know, i've thought of a solution for this one too. I also don't know if it's possible, but maybe there's a reward tracker that says you cannot earn the same reward consequetively no matter how fast you got to beat the boss. This suggestion actually sounds quite hard to implement, i just thought it would be cool and i thought i'd share. Although it probably will be denied, ur free to discuss and raise your opinion about it :))
  5. I used to whine about this subject myself, and actually quite a lot. However i've came to realise that you don't rly need 6x31 poke's to excell at pvp. Sure, your synergy must be exceptional within your team, but don't forget that grinding money is the easiest thing to do (the easiest as in a grinding for hours sense, it requires no rng at all). With the recent addition of Guild EXP Share and an active MS Medallion you can grind thousands per day and see if there's anything good you can buy on Tradechat.
  6. Is Excadrill still available? if so, pm me ingame ^_^
  7. Good luck, be sure to check the requirements for the guilds that are looking for new faces! P.S.: Change name or you will get urself banned ^^
  8. There's honestly an easier way tho. Everything that has all 20+ & beneficial nature + ability is 10/10, the rest are garbage.
  9. Re: Cleveland's INSTA PvP Shop <r>Azumarill traded in-game for a Hippowdon.<br/> <br/> <URL url="https://prntscr.com/cs53nc">https://prntscr.com/cs53nc</URL><br/> <br/> PM me in-game or leave your reply here if you want to order one of the two remaining.</r>
  10. I'd vote for yes it's just ridiculous cmon..
  11. Re: 2x31 epic ada Dratini (B.O. 120k // INSTA 250K) 6h remaining! <r>Itsmrslet responded to my pms this morning and received his Dratini.<br/> <br/> Thanks for all the biddings :)<br/> <br/> proof: <URL url="https://prntscr.com/cquq0r">https://prntscr.com/cquq0r</URL></r>
  12. Re: 2x31 epic ada Dratini (B.O. 120k // INSTA 250K) 6h remaining! <t>Itsmrslet has won the auction with 120k!<br/> <br/> If there's no response within 12 hours i have the right to keep the pokemon.</t>
  13. Re: 2x31 epic ada Dratini (B.O. 110k // INSTA 250K) 6h remaining! <r>New B.O. at 120k<br/> <br/> <URL url="https://prntscr.com/cqksna">https://prntscr.com/cqksna</URL></r>
  14. Re: 2x31 epic ada Dratini (B.O. 110k // INSTA 250K) 6h remaining! <t>A little bump and update, around 5 +1/2 hours remain. Place your bids accordingly ^_^</t>
  15. Re: 2x31 epic ada Dratini (B.O. 90k // INSTA 250K) 23h remaining! <r><QUOTE author="AllenSalar"><s> </e></QUOTE> Good morning from here! You are the owner of the current Best Offer :))<br/> <br/> Edit: Around 14 hours remain.</r>
  16. Re: 2x31 epic ada Dratini (B.O. 60k // INSTA 250K) <r>Same person just raised the current best offer to 90k<br/> <br/> <URL url="https://prntscr.com/cqazk2">https://prntscr.com/cqazk2</URL><br/> <br/> 23 hours left!</r>
  17. Re: 2x31 epic ada Dratini (B.O. 60k // INSTA 250K) <r>New B.O. at 70k<br/> <br/> <URL url="https://prntscr.com/cqaxz4">https://prntscr.com/cqaxz4</URL></r>
  18. Re: 2x31 epic ada Dratini <r>B.O. is now 60k<br/> <br/> in 24h from NOW (23:30 GMT+2) the auction ends. Place your bids! :))<br/> <br/> proof: <URL url="https://prntscr.com/cqa9rn">https://prntscr.com/cqa9rn</URL></r>
  19. Re: 2x31 epic ada Dratini <t>Looks like 2 days is a long time to auction an untrained/fresh poke so im lowering it to just 24h.<br/> <br/> Happy bidding :))</t>
  20. Re: wts my epic/impish-->SKARMORY <t>Sorry to make a comment on your sale, and please do not get me wrong, but how do you expect to reach a 2m insta when it's still 17 lvl and non EV-trained? A big price overkill right here...</t>
  21. Hello guys! Auctioning this badboy right here! Rules are pretty simple, more simple than the last ones: - Starting price is 50k - Insta price is 250k - Each bid should exceed 10k to maintain a steady rise throughout the auction period - I can keep the pokemon if the final price as soon as the auction ends does not meet my expectations - You may retract any offers you make BEFORE the final agreement has been made. - Auction period is 1 DAY (24h) from the moment the starting offer is made. I will update the thread to let you know. - No trolling/price police/fake-bidding. I love my bidders and you should show the auctions some love too <3 Happy bidding! :))
  22. Huge fan of Cavalier (he's a music producer) so i thought i'd rep haha. Well, the "hey" part is bcz i didn't wanna make it as "imCavalier" (cuz i'm obviously not lmao). Wish i could just take the original "Cavalier" in-game handle but someone who doesn't play anymore still has it... :/// (any help with that gm's? :D)
  23. Tip: don't play this broken thing. Or play it and watch it fall with the rest of the overpowered pile of stupid picks when pvp items finally arrive.
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