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Everything posted by Heycavalier

  1. Re: FIX THE MF TRAIN BUG <r><QUOTE author="ridersempai"><s> </e></QUOTE> Well, from experience i got the same error, but as a way to dodge that i would chose Goldenrod or Saffron again because you dont pay anything for it, you can travel back and forward betwin the 2 citys after you paid the 5000$ in the first guard of the station.<br/> <br/> On other note, cursing is not good and this game takes that seriously, i understand that feeling might be frustrating but lets control ourselves for the sake of the game and our accounts :D<e> </e></QUOTE> what the hell i didn't write any curse words i think i wrote "f-f-s"? lol idk if it censores that...wasn't my intention anyways, im sorry</r>
  2. 45 years later ^ srsly tho there's been so much controversy...like, some say that there will be rewards for all pvp players, some say it wont...ehh also, why not just make an automated system with 1 month per season...or even 2, idk how much u want it to be idc tbh lmao...
  3. omfg when u go to goldenrod from saffron and u accidentally click again when u arrive this dude tells u u can go go trainers valley and there's an option that says "neither i'll stay put" and this bruh takes ya to trainers valley instead wtf this money hungry dude lmao u fire that dude pls fix that...
  4. Re: WTS Impish H.A Gliscor <t>i make offer 520k</t>
  5. Re: Cleveland's INSTA PvP Shop <r>Staraptor traded in-game for a Whimsicott<br/> <br/> <URL url="https://prntscr.com/co4jmr">https://prntscr.com/co4jmr</URL><br/> <br/> Get your poke now they go fast! :O</r>
  6. Re: Cleveland's INSTA PvP Shop <r>Magnezone SOLD in-game (500k)<br/> <br/> <URL url="https://prntscr.com/co2zon">https://prntscr.com/co2zon</URL><br/> <br/> Get your poke today! <3</r>
  7. Apart from the pokemon display, it also triggers end of turn effects such as damage taken from status ailments AND healing from leech seed/leftovers. This is quite a serious issue to be honest...
  8. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Status_condition#Confusion In pro, confusion lasts all four turns. It's supposed to wear off for 1-4 turns. In pro it doesn't wear off until the fourth turn. This is VERY different from what the people above complained about. They said they hit themselves instead of making a status/damage move. What YOU are saying is actually LEGIT and DOES look like a bug. Finally, someone who is clear about the situation. And yes, you are very right. Confusion (generally, not just in Confuse Ray move) last all four turns and there's no possibility of it to "disappear" (wear off) earlier than that. Thanks for elaborating ^^ Let's see what GM's/Devs think about this.
  9. Lol why are you offending me if you know nothing about me. I have played more matches to test it ingame than you've played your entire gametime and yet you keep posting. Take it elsewhere. Your luck factor isn't your strong part, we'd very much like to call it a bug but unfortunately IS NOT. more than 865hours and 600pvp games, well good job then ^^ its not 50/50 end of discussion lmao I like how you're open for a discussion lol. Half-knowledge is worse than no-knowledge. Here's something to think about while you're raging inside about a simply RNG factor.
  10. not sure if ur trolling are not playing enough pvp, but its 100% not 50/50 no clue why the hell someone would say that, clearly not pvping enough I guess Lol why are you offending me if you know nothing about me. I have played more matches to test it ingame than you've played your entire gametime and yet you keep posting. Take it elsewhere. Your luck factor isn't your strong part, we'd very much like to call it a bug but unfortunately IS NOT.
  11. Exactly. The ratio IS 50/50 and this is why it is annoying to play both against and with it. I think it's pretty balanced, the fact that it is annoying is another story haha It's not 50/50 though.... Brah plz :D Blame it on the RNG lmao...Btw, Shane, why don't u show yourself so they stop?
  12. Yeah you're right. I was thinking of Rayquaza too as a pvp mount. Kyogre would also be a pvp mount, but i only mentioned Kyogre bcz in my mind Rayquaza might look a bit dumb lol :p
  13. You can't be serious.. O.o I rather not have my Lum berries wasted on confuse ray tbh. Even so, I feel the chance is far greater than 50/50. If it is indeed 50/50 the code needs to be looked at because I've never tossed a coin and got heads 8 times in a row. In all honesty I use sableye on my team in Showdown,pro,other games and pranksters are a very very big part of pvp. Also on your ratio being 50/50 I went a game where 8/8 times I confused someone they never hit themselves in confusion. Some games it could be 8/8 that they will hit themselves..... its 50/50 i just all luck tbh. I love pranksters also not all of them are based off confusion ex.volbeat is based off its encore par and baton passing. Exactly. The ratio IS 50/50 and this is why it is annoying to play both against and with it. I think it's pretty balanced, the fact that it is annoying is another story haha
  14. Seeing the wailmer mount we got from the quest really gave me this idea and i believe it would make a really great mount ^^ What do u think ;d
  15. I don't think ray is an issue, you're just overexaggerating lol...lum berries is the easiest way to avoid it. And counter-poke is another way. There's literally a lot to do to avoid it even with 99% of the pvp content not coded...
  16. Assuming Mt. Summer shares exactly the same map shape between its 2 variants and is not flipped, on the middle of 1F there's a path that goes north (up) then twists into bottom left, follow the winding path until you reach the correct stair on top left area of the map. So...are you saying it's possible to get mudkips even if you've helped team magma? :O EDIT: im blind scratch that xd
  17. Cmon make an automated system that makes 1 season per month it shouldn't be that hard...i could help? Like search some code or stuff...
  18. Ok, to make things clear. Y'all think u got skill. That's fine. But to deny that certain pokemon got far more potential than others? Like cmon who u trynna fool mate...Imma still ask for advice from people who got 600+ elo cuz i think they might got some tricks to share but to me this just sounds really funny and weird lol...
  19. Dude you realise that being in the top 25 means you must have like loads of $$ to invest in teams/strategies what what not? My team might be good but if i wanna get to 600 elo i must invest like triple maybe more of the money i have until now...it's not that easy... Irrevelant argument right there, you don't need epic/godlike pokemon to be top 25 , you just have to play better Ok teach me (im serious)
  20. Re: Ada Gale Wings T-Flame 20+ ATK B.O. 830K! 72 HOURS REMAINING! <r>Sold INSTA in-game by Javisito:<br/> <br/> <URL url="https://prntscr.com/cmm9tk">https://prntscr.com/cmm9tk</URL><br/> <br/> Thank you all for bidding! Check my forum private store for more pokemons! (decent pvp ready and pvp ones):<br/> <br/> <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=48796"><LINK_TEXT text="https://pokemonrevolution.net/Fo ... 95&t=48796">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=48796</LINK_TEXT></URL></r>
  21. I wish it worked like this. After a talk i had with some GM's they told me only top 25 will get rewards, so our dreams are crushed :(( RIP RIP indeed :(( let's hope it changes last moment or smth lol
  22. Please consider forming some kind of tiers like 100 rating = tier 1 or something and give small rewards based on that...i'm pretty sure players who have stacked on rating deserve a little bit of something for their efforts. Sure, PvP coins for each win is a huge gain, but in the end of season i think those people (like me, not gonna lie ;d) should be rewarded with even something small compared to the top 25. Sorry for disagree with you, but special reward for only top 25 is much better. You have no choice that you have to put more effort in pvp (Building team, Battling, etc.). I'm fine with current pvp points system, it's not about how many matches you win (the ratio), it's about how you can battle with top players to get higher points. Anw, if you can't get in top 25, you still have 1 coin/win when battling :D So I think our staff already gave us a small chance to get points. If you want more points, then try to being top 25 :) It's not ez but not that hard. You can do it mate :D Try harder :D Dude you realise that being in the top 25 means you must have like loads of $$ to invest in teams/strategies what what not? My team might be good but if i wanna get to 600 elo i must invest like triple maybe more of the money i have until now...it's not that easy...
  23. Please consider forming some kind of tiers like 100 rating = tier 1 or something and give small rewards based on that...i'm pretty sure players who have stacked on rating deserve a little bit of something for their efforts. Sure, PvP coins for each win is a huge gain, but in the end of season i think those people (like me, not gonna lie ;d) should be rewarded with even something small compared to the top 25.
  24. I wish it worked like this. After a talk i had with some GM's they told me only top 25 will get rewards, so our dreams are crushed :((
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