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Everything posted by Heycavalier

  1. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEED INFORMATION BOSS DEADPOOL and MESTREPOKEMON in LAVENDERTOWN!!] <r><QUOTE author="Ouryu"><s> </e></QUOTE> 1 random item per boss defeat.</r>
  2. [glow=red][highlight=blue]Bug(?) Report[/highlight][/glow]: People reportedly haven't been able to headbutt trees with pokemons with over 151 happiness. Edit: Pokemons with 220+ happiness can use Headbutt normally.
  3. Idk if this has been brought up before, but i was searching my Pokedex for pokemon i'm missing and i was looking at their spawns, i noticed that there are quite a few locations for Pokemon like Rattata and Pidgey. I've also seen people asking where they could find the highest level of each Pokemon. So what i was thinking is, maybe you could add the level range of those Pokemons next to their spawn locations? I just had that idea, not sure if it's stupid/bad/unnecessary. Let me know what you think, and if it would help you too. ^^
  4. Wow this is amazing thank you for your efforts, gonna test it and report anything unusual ^^
  5. This is exactly why i said that we should wait. If people coming to the game and are here to stay might consider donating. If a legit amount of donations is gathered and people are STILL coming maybe a new server can be introduced. Sure, people with progress will not leave but i guess it will lift some pressure, and login times might be faster.
  6. This has happened yesterday and also just now when i entered after a long queue. The default chat channels (trade,help,all,other,battle and local) are not loading. While the tabs are there, i cannot see any content written in them, just the System messages (Welcome to PRO and AFK messages). What is the problem here? :///
  7. I see...i'm not aware of Blue's queue as i've never tried to play there (i actually started there but i moved bcz my friends were on Red, i've no progress whatsoever). I guess we will have to wait. If more people keep coming and coming maybe it's a good plan to introduce another server for both new and players and people who just wanna play without long queues.
  8. So the case here seems to be just Red server overpopulating. Let me make a suggestion. What about switching the default server to Blue instead at the main login screen? Won't this balance the population between the two servers? I mean, if it's not to work, and people keep coming over the course of the next month i mean sure maybe the admins can consider buying a new server or increase the ammount of people that can enter at once in those two existing ones (giving more gravity to Red server).
  9. This is a solid suggestion. Running around from region to region just to visit a certain place for leveling purposes other is just wasted time. Let's see how this goes, Thor seems positive ^^
  10. Thor just added dig spots in digglet cave and Slowpoke Well + slowpoke well L1, update ^^ Edit: oh my u guys are fast lol! Thanks for the update ^^
  11. Sorry to jump on this thread but yesterday on the Red server i was randomly kicked to the log in screen while i was having a fight and i was like "what the hell im so done" Fortunately it was a wild pokemon fight so i didn't really care but it was odd as hell...
  12. I doubt all those processes (56) are from PRO itself. Check on task manager if any applications that are unneeded are reserving the cpu and shut them down.
  13. Ayyyy y'all can get more space if like people keep increasing for like CONTINUOUSLY (as they do already) in the next few weeks or months.
  14. Honestly just get bigger server space or smth that's crazy...Bet you there''ll be more and more people coming i don't think people will leave this game soon it's just so well made to be abandoned soon-ish. And MS is not something that u have to save up weeks to get so i also bet people would be willing to stay just ONE day in to get MS and support the cause. It shouldn't be too hard to rent a better server with the donations...
  15. Yeah i've gotten it already for like a week or so i just wanted to know everything related to it, thanks Windypuff! ^^ :y:
  16. Hello PRO staff, members, and community. I made this topic to request help regarding MS. (Not sure if this is the place anyway, move the topic if it's wrongly placed) I wanted to ask what things are there to do by having MS (like areas, secret quests etc.) 30 days seems a nice period of time, since the game flows nicely, but it's good to know how to make the best of something that's not forever ;) Cheers and thanks in advance for any helpful replies! :y:
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