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Everything posted by Heycavalier

  1. What Jolly said. Generally the rule that applies for ALL pokemons is the ALAP rule (as late as possible). Some pokemons are easy to be trained even until 100 lvl without the need to use candies. A good example is vulpix. Good luck with ur eevee :))
  2. Since we can play the whole game with numbers can u enable the use of the numpad, it would make everything so much easier :))
  3. Oh alright yeah you're absolutely right i didn't even think about it lol. Thanks!
  4. This is gonna unbalance the market and the effort you need to input in order to get these items...Not sure if it's a really good idea..
  5. No no actually. What im saying, is that there are some offensive/status moves that are priority moves. This means they get to cast before any other move ignoring the Speed stat factor. A good example is Ice Shard. I battled a guy with a Mamoswine while i had a Crobat out (390 speed). His Mamoswine didn't exceed 250 speed or something and he always casted first because Ice Shard is a priority move. There are a lot of mechanics in Pokemon and u need to study good before building your team but at the moment this shouldn't be worrying you too much. You also get to learn a lot by just playing the game. I hadn't played any Pokemon game since Ruby/Sapphire where Natures were first introduced and now i know most mechanics (at least the basics of them). Good luck!
  6. So question i've been wondering on that topic. If Jolteon's base speed is 130 (according to bulbipedia), and it was Timid why would I want to evolve to Jolteon? Wouldn't that be putting all my eggs in one basket so to speak? I can see going all in on attack or special attack but why speed? Like say two pokemon are battling and one's speed is 375 and another's speed is 175. Will the fast pokemon get to take two turns in a row ever? Or will he only get to go first, which would have been the same had the 2nd pokemon's speed been 300 which is still smaller than 375... No, not in any case should a pokemon make "two" moves in "one" turn. Speed determines which pokemon will go first as long as both pokemons use a standard move. Priority moves go first even if the attacking pokemon is slower than the defending one. People simply choose Jolteon with the Timid nature because it reaches up to 400+ which is unbeatable in terms of speed.
  7. Definetely Espeon. It would be A LOT better if it was modest but it's not bad at all. Only was it Timid you should consider making it a Jolteon.
  8. Alright. Got a super rod actually i was just wondering why it didn't spawn with it...Anyways i bought one for now cuz i needed for pokedex but it's good to know. Just in case i decide to spend 3290 hours hunting one. Thanks for replying :) <3
  9. What rod quality does Shellder require in the spawns where it's only catchable with a rod?
  10. I made a similar thread a while back for happiny and people said the evo is not coded yet. Does Munchlax evolve into Snorlax normally or is it a useless pokemon at this stage?
  11. Looks like u need an Anti-DDoS filter you guys. If unauthorized bots keep entering the site we're gonna experience lots of downtime.
  12. [glow=red]EDIT: Y'ALL ARE GENIUS![/glow] Why not just show your love and appreciation by giving everyone a small xp bonus and a higher rare/extremely rare pokemon encounter rate for let's say....a week? Events like these are quite exciting forr the community as a whole, and EVERYONE wins, not just a handful of people.
  13. If you buy me two monitor speakers i will dedicate my life to coding content for your game. Since this will NOT happen though, i guess some merchandise would be pretty effing amazing, maybe buy like x10 pcs and make a mass giveaway, pretty lots of ppl gonna be happy abt this ^_^
  14. You're technically both screwed and not. You lost ur chance on a free snorlax but the route below (at the bridge) has a chance to spawn a wild snorlax, so this means with a little bit of grind u can get one.
  15. English please Already english boi maybe u need to get a few courses ;)
  16. If ur just bored im sorry man i can't help u. Honestly. Also if reading is UR strong part go study maybe u'll achieve smth good for yourself.
  17. - I'm mentioning the evolution requirement as it feels like it was placed there for the sake of being there instead of there being a real reason. -This point wasn't aimed at me. Moving on.. -Yet there is a difference between spending time on something you enjoy and spending time on something you really don't enjoy because it happens to be the blockade of something you may. Yeah i know the whole post wasn't aimed at you i didn't notice there were tons of new posts i should've quoted the original person but yeah... If you're not really enjoying the game i guess you could spend less time until you crave it more, so u will just keep coming back. What i do is go hard on it and when im bored i just log off for a couple of hours till im ready to get back on the grind. I'm not really a competitive player at this stage but im happy with any progress i've made.
  18. I'm not replying with memes, i'm living in the real world, sorry to fail your expectations. But yeah i'm glad u coo ;)
  19. - I went from 15 evolutions to 51 in just a couple of hours. It's really not that hard to evolve your pokemon taken that 1/5 of the kanto pokemon evolve with stones... - You can always release pokemon that you don't need in your team or sell them. - Spending time on something you're enjoying cannot be possibly called time-consuming. Anything else? :)
  20. Well in case you didn't know the word you are looking for is called CONCERN. Some people do indeed get concerned that the game may just vanish one day for whatever reason. WHY? Well because guess what, they enjoy the game, and they care about its well being! They want it to thrive. It's not complicated. The question is, why do you care so much if other people care? :Cool: Well i do enjoy the game myself but i cannot do much if Nintendo decides it's getting in their way and they must remove it. Maybe we could do something like a pettition or something but that rarely changes things when such a big company has made their decision. As to answer at yourr question, we're just having a conversation right here, and you're being hostile? Calm down. I love to see the negative people in this forum to get a good enlightening answer like this! :boot: The only negative person here is you, we're all positive af just having a nice convo <3
  21. why do ppl care so much if there's gonna be trouble for the staff abt this game? R u gonna be the one who's gonna solve it? smh...
  22. Is there any way to display the top players in PvP and the remaining time before season end in the forums? Or is it only in-game? (idek the cmd to display it) (sorry if this was supposed to be a support thread u can move it)
  23. Lol irrelevant af, Somes was just asking if the Shiny chance from the quest was bugged and it resulted in more shinies to be distributed. I guess only a GM can answer you this.
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