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  1. ok it's sold to you pm me in game its yuefu
  2. BO: 300k Instant 600k
  3. Thanks for sending your time helping me hunt a good tangela, but this tangela isn't good enough. Since it's a tier 2 pokemon, I want it to have +25 in its main stats. This is a tangrowth that was offered to me for 350k but I want something better. Can you please hunt some more. Thanks, Yuefu
  4. Can drain punch be used in PVP since it's only a visual bug?
  5. Can drain punch be used in PVP since it's only a visual bug?
  6. Start bid: 300k Ends in 48 hours
  7. Just to let you know only buy if it fulfill the requirements and at a acceptable price
  8. WTB sassy Tangrowth 300k one
  9. POKEMON : Tangela NATURE : Sassy IVS : 15+ attack 25+ spdef def hp 15+ spatk ACCEPTABLE IVS : 20+ spdef def hp ABILITY : Regenerator OTHER SPECIFICATIONS : YOUR OFFER : up to 1 mil depending on quality Have you defeated all regions? : Hoenn
  10. WTB this Conkdeldurr if lowered to 250k
  11. Message me here or in game please. IGN: Yuefu.
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