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Everything posted by Meocoquai

  1. I have a mistake when giving my sableye (catch before) to npc in sableye megastone quest and lost after that. I do not think he take away my sableye (old sableye I catch before). Please help me to restore my sableye. It is a good pokemon and I took a long time to catch her. I can trade other sableye for her. Please help!!! Server: gold
  2. The Pro64 can not start when I double click on it. This happen this morning, please help. Thank you.
  3. I deleted my poke Nidoran F event valentine with a mistake, could you please restore. Thank you so much. ID 22081479 meocoquai server: blue
  4. Re: GODLY GENGAR 4*31 <t>1000k</t>
  5. Please help, I can not fight elf Patricia to enter the house
  6. 1: What is the pokemon that is really 108 entities? - Spiritomb 2: Where did halloween orginated from? - Ancient Celtic festival of Samhain 3: What ghost is immune to tynamo? - Golett, Golurk, Alolan Marowak (lightning rod ability), Sandygast, Palossand, Shedinja 4: What type has ghost not yet been paired? - Normal and Rock type 5 How many Ghost Type pokemon were introduced in generation 5? - 9, those nine are Golett, Golurk, Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure, Frillish, Jellicent, Yamask, Cofagrigus Sever: blue In game name: meocoquai
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