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Ihaveapikachu's Achievements



  1. Re: 3 Amigos Shopping center * Dec, 19 * <t>i want to buy the ada ha dratini for 250k :)</t>
  2. Re: ► Boss Guide - updated 9/11/17 - Officer Jenny Updated! - All bosses/rewards/requirements ◄ <t>44k and a king's rock from gamers, also u can't use dark/shadow pokes vs them<br/> <br/> 26k, pansy flower and chikorita from neroli</t>
  3. Re: -Discord Link Inside- [All Servers] ||PRO|| Monotype Showdown Tour++ <t>Name: Ihaveapikachu<br/> server: red</t>
  4. IGN: Ihavepikachu My favorite pokemon is Garchomp, I love him cause he is a dragon type and has a lot of atk. I love dragon types. I want this headset cause I only buy 2$ earphones that are good for 1 month or less. (From Romania)
  5. Same here, idk why, ign Ihaveapikachu red server
  6. Hello, I want this mouse cause it's really good, and I really need a new mouse since my current mouse is not that awesome, and a gaming mouse would be awesome! Casue I play a lot of games, not only PRO. ign: Ihaveapikachu
  7. Lol of course, I am Plat 5 atm
  8. Geodude Rattata xd
  9. Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest <t>I am here to confirm I didn't beat Naero boss and I still started this.</t>
  10. In Mt.mortar there are dig spots as well, found 2 dome fossils here and other than that trash items.
  11. Its easy to say grind. But remember that I have levels 50s and the wild pokes are lvls 20..
  12. So right now I have grovyle 61 MANECTRIC 50 MAGNETON 54 Bannete 45 AND STILL CAN'T BEAT IT!! Tell me how is this balanced? I wasted like 6 hours today for nothing, still can't beat this gym with 2 ELECTRIC TYPES THAT HAVE DISCHARGE THUNDERBOLT ELECTRO BALL. Do you see my struggle? I rage on a pokemon game! Cause it's not fair! It's an impossible gym!
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