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Everything posted by Jdyung

  1. That's why you always check the pokemon item that is holding as said above And you should always print screen when you do trade :) Badluck next time be more aware ^_^
  2. Nothing you can do, sadly you have to relog only option.
  3. "Losing a battle for Dc is bad enough but then i get punishment for not being able to battle for 45 min (i don't know who's brilliant idea was this -_- )" Maybe you pc not good enough :) So dont rank buddy ^_^ to saved the pain from DC'ing in rank. Ive actually like the 45min timer if DC, it makes you to make sure you have good internet or good computer before you enter rank. Just like League of Legends you want to play at your best internet connection, not having terrible net to rank. :)
  4. Exactly people to lazy to grind in this game, its MMO, if you aint grinding then you aint playing the game right :Cool:
  5. That's a staff member's player account. Dialga is his reward for months of contributions. So you're wrong in saying that staffs can have whatever they want.. As for your suggestion, there's a reason why staffs have both staff and player account. There's also a reason why staff player accounts don't have any icons/tags. Staffs aren't robots that can be on duty and ready to work/serve for 24x7 hours. They can also chill and play in game with their player account sometimes :Smile: dats awesome never knew that hahaha :Angry: :Cool:
  6. Very interesting i never seen that before, you made a good point :O Now im very curious
  7. There is always room to grow, PRO seem to be in the right state right now. Just like fan made MMO games or other games, it takes years and years to get to the top. Gotta remember this its also a fan made game meaning they make no profit, all donations goes into developing the game and other contents, again its still beta we might be stuck on this stage for quite a while :)
  8. What give u think that people should overpriced the ms????? The game start at the beginning until now, the place is still the same and same to those wild pokemons. There is no extra places for u that u can farm pokedollars easily..... WHy u make the ms price high? u think grinding is easy? try grind urself and ask ur conscious after that, do u think thats easy? U can up the price abit no problems, but now its already overprice, u know????? Seriously, there are very less people that grinding all day in the game........ We have llife..... ive believed this topic has nothing to do with membership lol.
  9. them post spam is real :)
  10. And what is your message meant to mean? So you telling me you never level up your pokemon team to 100? Thats not grindy? lol If you ain't grindy then you aint playing the game right lol. AKA MMO
  11. Ladies and Gents, grow up seriously, why you guys all acting like, this is a huge matter and problem? You guys making Blue Server looks like nothing by dragging whole server down. First time ive brought my MS was like 2 months ago when ive was still newbie, i ask the seller i buy ms for 300k, he refused to sell it he wanted it for 350k? Guess what i did not even bother to try to convince him or neogate him, you know why? Cause i know he will not drop me that price! no matter what So what happened next? I've was motivated and strive to grind 1 whole day just to get to make extra 50k so i can buy that ms! Cause that is how MMO game is all about "GRINDING" if your new to this genre of gameplay then start getting used to grinding in game! and last week i brought MS for 400k and yet i did not complain at all! MS price will always go up and down, simply as that because it's an REAL ITEM MONEY in game. Nothing we can do nor can changed about its just business of the game. You realized Medallion MS is "REAL MONEY" doesn't matter how much it cost in "REAL MONEY" players actually willing to spent real money to buy the item, just like all other MMO games out there "REAL MONEY ITEMS" will be also super expensive in game when people sell it, that's how people make profit and in game money... Just like most MMO GAMES any items that involved with REAL MONEY GAMES ITEMS will be always be sold for very expensive price, i can mark my words for that. That is MMO for you guys. If its too expensive dont buy it and stop yapping and complaining. If you dont want to spend real money for MS, then saved up grind as hard as you can for that MS. Cause you can trust me on this, it will be hella worth it once u have that MS, and you can make it all the money you lost and gain even more by having that MS. That's why MS has so much value and benefit to it. and option 2 if you can afford and willing to spend money then go grab yourself a MS easily done :))) So i'm not defending the sellers or buyers, as much i hate to say this, this how most MMO games runs in Markets. Nothing new at all really :) Just be patient and hope and pray you find a cheap MS that players willing to sell, but for this rate at the moment, i dont see it drop down anytime soon, as matter fact it might go higher in next couple months who knows... >-<" So before start complaining start grinding, cause next time you want to buy MS it be 1Mill, and you guys going to regret it Wishing you could bought it for a price 400-500k.....
  12. lol. :Cry:
  13. Personally if your new to MMO, pretty much every MMO game out there has BOTTERS or whatever systems they used, so its nothing new to MMO worlds these days. We should appreciated Shane and the rest of the crew for their hard work to keep this game running. Of course there be heaps of bots, for a "Fan Made Game" with no source of profit income for a Free To Play game. All we can do is what everyone's been suggesting report it on forum with solid evidences and let the GM continue on with their hard work catching these botters, they have been doing fantastic job trying to keep this game as clean as possible. As we continue supporting PRO with funds this game has long way to grow, there will always be room for improvement so just be patient and enjoy this incredible game while we can :Shy:
  14. i dont play PVP or anything, but i find its fair. If you want to earn coins you, gotta go out there and play rank and win, to earn the pvp coins :)))
  15. Forum rules 1. You can appeal only once and the outcome is final. 2. Check the ban reason on the website before posting an appeal. 3. Appeals without evidence will be ignored. 4. Appeals which state that a third party caused the ban will be denied instantly. 5. Every appeal is private and visible only to you and Staff! But goodluck on your appeal :)
  16. Worrdupp PRO Fam This is me after work photo :Angel: Greeting from Melbourne, Australia! #KeepThatBlueServerBlazing #BluePride #AsianGotSwag #YoLo Hope everyone has a great day Pokemon Trainers, see you fella out there :kiss: :Crazy: https://i.gyazo.com/73f6417d00e3c1de63142580b5616c44.jpg
  17. Goodday there ladies and gentleman! I'll go by the name JDYung :devil: , Today is my Grand Opening! I'm am so excited ! My aim is to catch everyone's childhood or current favourite pokemon from mix of variety from Starter Pokemon, Rare Pokemon or even Legendary Pokemons! and so on! I'll will try my very best to catch em all, To sell it cheap and decent price possible for you guys out there! It's going be very fun, challenging and hard work, and it will take time! I know most of you fellas out there dont have time, to chase and catching all these awesome pokemon! So this is why i am here! JDYUNG To take that challenge on behalf of you guys, to make your life much easier! :Angel: My aim is for each week, catch and sell different pokemon for you guys. So come drop by & check my store every week to see for what's new! Any special pokemon request to catch, feel free to private msg me and i see what i can do Thanks for the support and drop by the store, hope to see you Pokemon Trainers out there! :Shy: So what we waiting for!? Let the Grand Opening Shop begins............ NOW! For you information these pokemon will be up for sale for 7 days, if there is no buyers out there i will end up releasing these pokemon out in the wild, so please do come and check em out and help me, these pokemon deserved great trainers out there! PS: First one comes, first one served :) ~ (Kanto only for now) (P1) - https://gyazo.com/978253c63f1702c3d5e3aa6edf3ef6ee Price: 7k! (P2) - https://gyazo.com/aece8188d36d07aa2904dca73eb4648f Price: 7k! (P3) - https://gyazo.com/043cba566944bf881fe1e531f9011435 Price: 7k! (P4) - https://gyazo.com/6983109a10937ec379fb2fcc1f7c39d8 Price: 7k! (P5) - https://gyazo.com/0103b2f680392a550f38cdf18da5c282 Price: 7k! (P6) - https://gyazo.com/bb921e095eb8173bc464a9e39ef28a81 Price: 7k! (P7) - https://gyazo.com/96b6109fea9eacdf52503190edea2299 Price: 10k! (P8) - https://gyazo.com/77c6b0bd0af26984f2c33438a9c13745 Price: 25k! (P9) - https://gyazo.com/258ce0bf1a994ecc8f196436342eb9aa Price: 15k! (P10) - https://gyazo.com/5e27308af0edca0ef7cc3344cff7acb6 Price: 15k! (P11) - https://gyazo.com/be6df35783e0acf8c50feb187a59d898 Price: 15k! (P12) - https://gyazo.com/ee32a3ef5c1771c1178c2cc50450c732 Price: 10k! (P13) - https://gyazo.com/7b6af9f3331b178496e36c8227c533fb Price: 15k! (P14) - https://gyazo.com/86e1f4a9d89ed77235406539f2c408da Price: 15k!
  18. *Updated* - i finally got it from great buyer :Shy: this thread is close*
  19. Hi there guys, looking to buy decent bulbasaur asap, hit me up on this thread or in game, currently around kanto area cheers :Shy:
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