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Everything posted by Sinkae

  1. Welcome ^_^
  2. I already joined Team Rocket <--- guild plug j/k I like the idea it sounds awesome. I would take it further and try to incorporate some kind of class system with it Thats not a real game btw, and I saw where you said team rocket wouldnt be a faction, i just happened to find this while looking for a Team Rocket signature <---unintentional guild plug Also, quick question, the PVE/Dungeons you spoke of earlier, are these going to be multiplayer?
  3. Small suggestion, or question maybe. Is it possible to put the box number you are currently in at the top of pc screen? Its not a huge deal its just annoying when i forget which box i'm in while searching for pokes.
  4. Well, people who like pvp will value pokemon who are more useful in battle. But people who like hunting rare pokemon will value pokemon based on rarity, this is already happening btw. Its no secret as to which pokemon are rarer than others, we all already know that ralts and dratini are incredibly difficult to find.
  5. Would be a really nice feature to have. That way I can stare at the insanely low encounter rate of rare pokes while i search for them lol. Just kidding, but it would be a very interesting and distinguishing characteristic about this game's dex that ive never seen in a pokemon game before
  6. will do. I think it may be a little early for lvl 100's so i postponed the first iteration of qualifiers. Ill update this post when we start back up
  7. Cosign this thread
  8. What kind of contest?
  9. I'm not exactly sure why, but it seems as though players are afraid to battle before they are able to build a dream team of competitive pokemon. I think the cause of this is the unrated tracking system. If players think that any loss they have will stick with them forever and affect their chances of ranking high on the competitive battling ladder they may be scared to battle with people early to mid game. The result is almost no battling happening early game which kind of makes it like playing the cartridge game with other people walking around. Suggestion: Remove the unranked battle tracker and only track win/loss ratio for ranked events. Doing so may put people at ease about battling their low iv starters or partially ev trained in game team. This would add more depth and fidelity to the player's immersion into the pokemon world, and add a component of excitement currently missing from the early to mid game.
  10. Starting out with a 16man tourney, if we get 32 participants, we will switch to 32. -Click to enlarge btw, click the right and left arrows to navigate-
  11. IMale black belt [image]https://orig01.deviantart.net/4b11/f/2011/215/1/c/gym_leader_fighting_type_by_nurebaironohoshi-d42xdys.jpg[/image]
  12. Fist off I wanna say that you guys have done a great job thus far turning the pokemon world into something that feels like an mmo. The maps are beautiful and the content is extensive. I just have a few suggestions that I think would further improve on what you guys have already done. 1.) Market System: I feel like the player controlled portion of the economy would work alot smoother if there was some kind of market-like function that would allow for players to post what they want to sell, and search for what they want to buy. The trade chat has been tested in other pokemon mmos which shall remain nameless. What usually happens is eventually players are forced to go to the message boards to sell their pokemon and items. This would also effectively turn catching rare and useful pokemon into a trade skill for making money. Trade chat, I think, should be just that, trading pokemon and items. It feels cluttered and chaotic with most of the people in trade chat selling things. I would work the search function like this: -Pokemon -----Type -------Level ---------IV total ------------Shiny -Items -----Consumable -------Berries -------Pokeballs ----Non Consumable --------Training --------Battle Im sure I missed a lot things, but you get the point. I'm an experienced Systems Engineer and I could flesh that out deeper and better if you need with a OV-1 diagram or something similar. 2.) Trade Skills: I've seen quite a few people in all chat say they weren't interested in competitive battling. There's a couple other things for them to do such as completing the pokedex and shiny hunting, but I was thinking of adding more fidelity and depth into the player experience. Most of these pokemon mmos have been centered around battling, which is cool because it's what most people do with their cartridges. What if however there was a way to attach a particular type of skill to the trainer (other than controlling pokemon of a certain level)? I was thinking of something like crafting skills (pokeballs, potions, items that help you find certain types of pokemon like fishing rods, bikes etc). Taking, for example, the pokeball crafter, you could require crafting items (held by wild pokemon or found by interacting with objects such as trees and rocks maybe) which would allow the players to craft pokeballs at a certain tier that are better, in some way, than the pokeballs you would buy from the mart. Here's a rough example: -Pokeball Tier 1 -Pokeball T1 [Fire] + %[x] chance to catch success fire types -Pokeball T1 [Grass] + %[x] chance to catch success grass tyes (These item's names would appear green to indicate T1) -Pokeball Tier 2 -Pokeball T2 [Flying] + %[x] chance to catch success flying types -Duskball T2 [duskball bonuses] + %[x] chance to catch success -Moneyball T2 + [x] pokeyen received upon successful capture (These item's names would appear blue to indicate T2) Again, if needed I can expound upon this simple diagram if needed.
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